– Brazil can drown in communism – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– It is God who has installed him and decided that he will rule this nation, says Bolsonaro supporter Jair Leandro. news meets him at an election meeting in Duque de Caxias, a poor district in Rio de Janeiro. Several thousand people have come to experience their great hero. Many of them belong to the so-called Pentecostal churches. And they like that the president has chosen the middle name Messiah. – This is God’s will that he is our leader. Jair Messias Bolsonaro is the president of our country, says Jair Leandro. Jair Leandro is an evangelical Christian and a strong supporter of Bolsonaro. Photo: Arnt Stefansen / news The election campaign here in Brazil is now entering its final phase, ahead of the election on 30 October. Before the first round of voting, opinion polls showed that Bolsonaro had little chance of being re-elected. But he got a surprisingly large turnout, and the outcome is now completely open. – God above all It has been a hard-fought election campaign, and the right-wing populist Jair Bolsonaro doesn’t hold back when he talks about the left: – Don’t be fooled. It could lead to Brazil drowning in communism. Wherever communism appears, the consequences are the same: hunger, poverty, suffering and loss of freedom, says the president at the election meeting in Duque de Caxias. And he ends with his regular slogan: – Brazil everywhere! God above all! President Bolsonaro still enjoys great support among Brazil’s voters. Photo: EVARISTO SA / AFP God, fatherland and family. These are some of the most important keywords for Bolsonaro’s policy. He is a strong opponent of abortion and he has made very derogatory statements about homosexuals. He also believes that the military dictatorship from 1964-1985 was a good time for Brazil. Nevertheless, he received 43.2 percent of the votes in the first round of voting. – Can become very violent Jair Bolsonaro has said several times that he does not trust the country’s electoral system. And during a demonstration on National Day last year, he said that “only God can remove me from power”. The big question ahead of the election in a week’s time is therefore what he will do if he loses. Brazil expert Henrik Brandão, correspondent for Dagens Nyheter in Latin America, answers as follows: Brazil expert Henrik Brandão is worried about what Bolsonaro will do if he loses the election. Photo: Arnt Stefansen / news – I think he will claim that there was election fraud. That established Brazil is against him and that the election has been manipulated. And he’s going to point to polls that have been wrong in the past. Brandão has lived and worked in Brazil for 20 years, and fears the worst. He believes that Bolsonaro’s supporters can attack the Electoral Court and the Supreme Court, which the president has designated as enemies: – Bolsonaro himself will not lead such an attack. But if the president alleges electoral fraud, his radical supporters will take to the streets. There are a lot of weapons among these people, and I think it can become very violent, says the Brazil expert to news. ‘ Former politician attacked the police On Monday, people got a taste of how violent Bolsonaro’s supporters can be. A former parliamentarian, with ties to Bolsonaro, resisted arrest by throwing grenades and shooting at police. Roberto Jefferson has previously been kicked out of Congress after a corruption scandal and has been under arrest since January due to what are called attacks on democracy. A court ruled that he should be re-arrested after violating the terms of his house arrest by calling Supreme Court Justice Carmen Lucia a witch and prostitute, after which Jefferson barricaded himself in his Rio de Janeiro home. Supporters of former Brazilian politician Roberto Jefferson demonstrate at his house as he is taken away, after he attacked police. Photo: RICARDO MORAES / Reuters Bolsonaro distanced himself from Jefferson’s attack on the police in which two police officers were injured, at the same time the president was critical of the investigation into the violent politician. – Lula leads According to opinion polls, it is Brazil’s former president, Lula da Silva, who will win the election. But the measurements vary, according to the latest measurement from the institute Datafolha last week, Lula’s lead is 4 percent. The latest survey by AtlasIntel, published on Monday, gives Lula a lead of 5.8 percent, writes Reuters. – We must win, so that Brazil becomes a respected country again, he said at an election rally in the Compexo do Alemão favela area in Rio. But Lula is worried that Bolsonaro will contest the result if he does not win. – I hope that if I win the election, he will call me in a moment of sanity to accept the election result, Lula told a press conference in São Paulo on Monday. Left-wing candidate Lula da Silva meets his voters in Rio. Photo: PT – Workers’ Party, Brazil In Rio’s slums, Lula da Silva is at home. When he was president from 2003-2011, more than 30 million Brazilians were brought out of poverty. Many remember that: – I paid for my university education with the help of the support schemes he introduced, says Lidiane Barbosa to news. – So it is thanks to his government that I was able to realize my big dream, and today I am a teacher. The polls underestimated Bolsonaro’s popularity in the first round of the election. Therefore, Lula’s supporters feel far from certain of victory. But they sincerely hope that there will now be a change of power: – Four more years of a Bolsonaro government will bring Brazil down to the level of authoritarian regimes of which we have many around the world, says Renato Sartre, who lives in Complexo do Alemão. – We must win this election so that we can take Brazil back, he says to news.
