Boys’ team from Hommelvik in Malvik had to travel for 45 hours after the dream was almost crushed by the air strike – news Trøndelag

For three years, Hommelvik’s handball team with boys born in 2007, has dreamed of traveling to the cup in Barcelona. Countless hours of hard work have been put in, and this year it should finally happen. The trip was booked, the holiday was planned and the expectations were high. – The boys have had a long-term plan for three years. They have worked hard, and the dream has really been this trip here, says coach Merete Stav Lervang. In the last two years, most of the cups and events have been canceled due to coronary restrictions. – So the joy was great when the community reopened, and the boys understood that the trip was to be completed. The boys’ team from Hommelvik has been planning a trip to the cup in Barcelona for several years. Photo: Private Hang in a thin thread So, a week before departure, the dream was about to be shattered. The flight was canceled due to a strike. – We realized that the trip hung in a thin thread, says the coach, who brags about the parent group, who further checked out all the possibilities for the boys to get on the trip. – I think we have been to all the airports in Europe to check if they had room for our boys, parents and siblings. The solution they ended up with started by bus from Hommelvika on Monday morning at 05.00. The trip went to Larvik, where the boat continued to Hirtshals. Here a new bus was waiting to take the boys to Aalborg where they spent the night. The next day, the party was picked up by a third bus, which took them to Billund. Here the boys are finally at the airport. Photo: Private There was great cheering when they could board the plane on Tuesday night. – After 45 hours of travel, we arrived at 2 o’clock last night. And the dream has come true, says Lervang. She brags about the boys, who never gave up and were positive on the trip. – It has exceeded all expectations. I think no one has been there that they have regretted – it has been great atmosphere all the time. Here the cheers break loose in place in the plane from Billund. Happy boys On the phone from Spain – just after coming up from the pool, the boys say that they are happy to be there. – It has been quite tiring, especially to sit on the bus for “basically” 15 hours. So it has been a bit quarrelsome, but now we have come forward, says Noah Rolstad Paulsen. He is not alone in thinking it is good. – Getting there was very nice. When we arrived at the hotel yesterday, we were very tired. We lay down and slept, and now we have been bathing, says Kristian Lervang on Wednesday morning. Brage Rokhaug, Noah Rolstad Paulsen, Brage Sarheim, Kristian Lervang and Samuel Rosenlund were able to unleash their jubilation after 45 hours of travel. Photo: Private The boys confirm that they have wanted this trip for several years. And finally, the cup must start. – We will play against four Spanish teams and an Icelandic team in the first half. There are 5,000 participants in the cup here, so this is huge to be a part of, says the coach. Handball not most important But even though the boys have reached the dream of participating in the cup in Barcelona, ​​it is not the actual handball game they have the highest expectations for. – I do not think handball is in the first place. Here it is the experiences that count. And the boys are perhaps more concerned with ladies and the sun, than with handball. But it’s just as it should be when they are boys of 15 years, laughs Lervang. And that is exactly what the boys can sign. – Handball is really just the bonus, says Brage Sarheim. Together with the rest of the gang, he aims to be on a trip back on Monday. Then after a slightly shorter week than planned – but hopefully filled with both handball, swimming and ladies. – We have not been notified of the cancellation, so we are betting that we will return on Monday. If not, we can just stay – it’s not the worst either, says the coach. Photo: Private
