Boycott has surprising consequences – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Spiro Spathis, or just Spathis as it is called, you have hardly heard of before. For many years it has also not been the preferred soft drink for thirsty Egyptians. But after the war between Gaza and Israel started 50 days ago, things have taken off completely for the traditional soft drink producer in Egypt. – Demand has tripled in the last month, says Morcus Talaat, the company’s marketing manager and one of three siblings who own the company, to Al Jazeera. Recently, there has been an increase in campaigns in the Middle East with encouragement to boycott both Israeli goods and Western brands such as McDonalds, Starbucks and Coca-Cola. – In Egypt’s case, follow up very closely with social media. That’s what Line Khateeb, head of the Palestine Committee in Norway, says. She points out that it is difficult to have free demonstrations in Egypt, which is why social media become even more important during such campaigns. Line Khateeb is the leader of the Palestine Committee in Norway. Photo: Beate Oma Dahle / NTB Salet took of Spathis was started in 1920 by a Greek beekeeper who moved to Egypt and has had the same status as “Solo” has in Norway. In recent decades, they have not been anywhere near the top of the list. Now they suddenly struggle to keep up with demand. Al Jazeera spoke to Mohammed, who runs a grocery store in the Egyptian region of Sharqia. – There were always a few consumers who preferred Spiro to other drinks, but not many, says the shop owner. Before the boycott gained momentum, he used to sell four to five boxes of Spathis in a week. – Now I can sell as many as 50 boxes in a day if I have that many in stock, he says and adds that the increase in demand is “gigantic”. Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide does not want a boycott. Photo: Mathias Revheim-Rafaelsen / news Several receive criticism All over the world there have been calls for a boycott of Israeli goods and services for many years. The same applies to companies that invest in occupied areas. This applies, among other things, to the shoe manufacturer Puma, which has been heavily criticized because they sponsor several football teams in the occupied territories. Line Khateeb in the Palestine Committee believes that what they are doing can be equated with a violation of the laws of war. She states that boycotting is not an end in itself, but a tool for those who want to influence. – Boycotts create awareness of Israel’s illegal occupation, says Khateeb. Another company that has received a lot of criticism is Pepsi-owned Sodastream. They finally chose to move production from occupied areas in the West Bank into Israeli territory. All over the world there have recently been demonstrations in support of a boycott of Israeli goods and brands that are claimed to support Israel. Photo: DEVI RAHMAN / AFP – Bad remedy Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide says that it is not appropriate for Norway to support a boycott of Israeli goods and services. – When it comes to goods produced on occupied land, we already have a system in Norway for them to be specially marked, says Eide. He believes that a focus on a two-state solution is more important than a boycott. But for some, the international focus on boycotts has thus produced positive results. – In recent weeks, we have received hundreds of phone calls from new customers and offers from restaurants, says Morcus Talaat at soft drink producer Spiro Spathis.
