Bought salmon with large wounds from Rema 1000 – news Dokumentar

– Terrible, says Svoor about the experience at Pentecost. Not allowed Because when he turned the fish skin side up, Svoor discovered that the smoked salmon had large wounds. With the leather side up. This is what the salmon from Rema 1000 looked like. Photo: Privat The wounds were very similar to what he had seen in news’s ​​article about Salmar’s plant on Hjortøya. There, the fish were strongly affected by lice and, among other things, had developed what is known as winter sores. This often occurs after the fish is rinsed, brushed or passed through hot water to get rid of salmon lice. The fish on Hjortøya were so depleted that the Norwegian Food Safety Authority announced a record fee to Salmar due to poor animal welfare. Pictures from the Norwegian Food Safety Authority’s unannounced inspection. Photo: Norwegian Food Safety Authority Read: Warns record fee for Salmar – The article made me wake up, says Svoor. Who sent their photos to the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. There he received a clear message: – It is not permitted to trade fish with large wounds without the parts of the fish that are damaged being removed, explained department director Aud Skrudland. Aud Skrudland, specialist director of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. Photo: Eirik Haukenes / news – Unacceptable – This is bad stuff. You don’t notice this in the shop because the smoked salmon is packed with the skin side down, says Ole Martin Svoor. – I took the salmon fillet out of the packaging and put it on a cutting board without examining the skin side. I had served about half of the smoked filet before I discovered the wounds. It was smoked salmon of this type that Ole Martin Svoor bought in Son. It was impossible to detect the wounds the fish had. Photo: Bjørn Olav Nordahl / news The salmon was bought from Rema 1000 in Son. There he received no explanation of what had happened to the salmon. – It is completely unacceptable if economics or bad routines control further processing, says Svoor. – Shouldn’t have been used Svoor’s salmon side was from the brand “Fiskeriet”, supplied by Sjøfrisk as at Leknes in Lofoten. This company buys the goods from Insula Produksjon. Here, production director Jan Brevik explains it all with human failure. – You just have to lie down completely and apologize profusely. Such mistakes just shouldn’t happen, he writes to news. Close to the salmon veins. Photo: Privat Witzøe on the ownership side Both Sjøfrisk and Insula Produksjon are controlled by the Witzøe family. It is also the largest owner in listed Salmar. It was this company that recently received notice from the Norwegian Food Safety Authority about a record fee of NOK 1.7 million. Reason: A lot of sick, injured and dead fish at Salmar’s facility “Hjortøya” in Trøndelag. Insula uses salmon that either comes from Salmar or First Seafood. Jan Brevik Produksjon states that it is probably the latter that has delivered the damaged smoked salmon. First Seafood is also controlled by the Witzøe family. – A human failure, says Jan Brevik in Insula Produksjon. Photo: Insula Produksjon – There has undoubtedly been a big mistake here in connection with the sorting after the smoking process. If we receive fish with such wounds, it must be sorted out by the smokehouse and only used for sliced ​​products, the production director explains. A big problem Winter sores are one of the most serious problems in the salmon industry. In the latest fish health report from the Veterinary Institute, it is stated: “Different types of winter sores are perhaps the biggest health and welfare challenge related to bacterial disease in the Norwegian aquaculture industry.” – Our use of fish with winter sores is not very large, it is only relevant in the spring, says Jan Brevik in Insula Produksjon. – It is positive to be able to use the fish and thereby reduce food waste, he points out. High quality, low price On Rema 1000’s website, the following is written about the chain’s seafood: “The products are fished and delivered to your REMA 1000 store by dedicated suppliers who are experts in their field. This is how we can offer you high-quality products at a low price.” The chain deeply regrets the bad experience of Ole Martin Svoor. – Sorry, says Lydia Lineikro, quality manager at Rema 1000. Photo: Private – The case is registered in our deviation system and we have taken it up with the supplier, so that they can follow up their routines, says quality manager Lydia Lineikro. – A welfare issue news has asked the food chain what responsibility Rema has for fish health and fish welfare. We do not get an answer to this. Just that this case is an isolated case. – There have been no similar complaints about this product, says Lineikro. – This is more of a welfare issue for the fish and a quality problem, than it is a risk for food safety, writes Aud Skrudland in the Norwegian Food Safety Authority in his reply to Ole Martin Svoor. Chosen scrambled eggs Self is the main character on holiday in Lerici Italy at the moment. Every year, Ole Martin Svoor used to bring smoked salmon here to his friends at the local restaurant “Follia”. Ole Martin Svoor (right) has for many years used to give away Norwegian smoked salmon to restaurant owner Fabio Cardini in Lerici. Now, however, Svoor is skeptical about continuing with this. Photo: Private – I am very happy to give away Norwegian salmon. But then I also have to feel secure that the product is good. Now I have to admit that I have become very skeptical, he says to news. – How did it actually go with the company at Pentecost where you were supposed to serve smoked salmon? – The guests probably had the most scrambled eggs. Hello! We are currently working a lot on matters concerning the farming industry. Do you have tips for us, or know something about the industry that you think we should know or check out? Feel free to send us an email! Alternatively, you can call us on You can use the same number on the encrypted Signal app.
