Boris Johnson rejects new partygate allegations as nonsense – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The Partygate case will never end for Johnson, who was notified to the police on Wednesday this week about new allegations of rule violations during the corona lockdown. – This whole thing is pure nonsense from start to finish, Johnson said in a comment to Sky News on a US trip on Friday. This time it is about gatherings in the prime minister’s residence in Downing Street and at the prime minister’s country house Chequers, which should have come to light as a result of an investigation into the handling of the pandemic in Great Britain. Visits by friends The investigation has looked at Johnson’s official planner, where, among other things, a visit by friends at Chequers was listed. – I think it is ridiculous that points in my planner are taken out of context and delivered to the police without anyone having the sense to ask me what the entries referred to, he continued. Johnson says the points in the planner in no way show that broke the rules. – I have never seen these things before. I’ve looked through it now, and none of the points show a breach of the corona rules, they didn’t happen during the shutdown. Grilled The so-called partygate scandal concerns several parties held by Johnson and the Conservative Party in, among other places, Downing Street while the rest of Great Britain was shut down during the pandemic. Johnson has apologized for the parties, but has always insisted that he did not break the rules himself. In March, Johnson, who stepped down as Prime Minister last year, faced a parliamentary committee hearing where he was grilled about partygate. He is accused of having lied about the matter, thereby misleading Parliament. The committee has not yet concluded after the hearing, but if they conclude that Johnson’s explanation indicates that he lied about breaking the corona rules, it may lead to them recommending that the former prime minister be suspended from the House of Commons. (© NTB)
