Bonfire ban – digitally made midsummer bonfire – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– There are very strict restrictions on not lighting fires anywhere. So then we found out that we have to make it happen in a slightly different way, says Rune Nøstvik. He is usually one of the drivers behind the “Syden” concept in Grimstad, but on Friday evenings he is the self-appointed fire chief. Because when this year’s midsummer bonfire was cancelled, Nøstvik came up with the idea of ​​making a digital bonfire. And so it was. – We have obtained a powerful projector, a large screen and a smoke machine, so the people will have a fire. Rune Nøstvik hopes many people will make the trip to Gundersholmen and Syden tonight. Photo: Benedicte Goa Ludvigsen / news The fire service has been notified. At the far end of Gundersholmen in Grimstad, there is a good view out to Kuskjær, where the municipality usually lights a large Midsummer bonfire. But this year, spectators both on water and on land must turn their gaze inwards towards the city. A 10×10 meter white tarpaulin acts as a canvas, and is attached to an old fishing boat lying on land. When the clock strikes 10 p.m., the bonfire is “lit”, where a video recording of the flames will be shown. – We also have access to a seven-hour recording of a former Midsummer bonfire in Ålesund. And then will show flames in Pride colors, of course. And to give those present an extra midsummer atmosphere, Nøstvik will also fire up the smoke machine. – This is outdoors, and if there is a bit of wind, this smoke machine will probably not produce such a good effect. But I have informed the fire brigade, so that they know it is a smoke machine, he says with a laugh. Video recording of flames will put the people of Grimstad in a midsummer mood this evening. Photo: Benedicte Goa Ludvigsen / news Long traditions In Grimstad, they have long traditions for celebrating Midsummer. Since 1902, a boat parade has been organized on the city fjord, often with several hundred participating boats. There is also a tradition of decorating the boat, and prizes are awarded in several categories. This year’s Midsummer bonfire will also be visible to boaters, says Nøstvik. – We place the projector and the screen so that the boaters can also see. On land, we have room for over 800 people, so we hope many will make the trip and enjoy our bonfire. The Sankthan celebration in Grimstad has long traditions. Here from the boat parade in 2011. Photo: Miriam Grov / news But a small reef in the sea has appeared for the creative man. When he was going to test the idea on Thursday, he discovered that it can be challenging to see the flames on one of the brightest evenings of the year. – Um. It was very bright when we tested at 10pm last night, but at 11pm it starts to get dark. Then it will be guy. The digital Midsummer bonfire on Gundersholmen in Grimstad will be clearly visible to boaters as well, if it’s not too bright outside. Photo: Benedicte Goa Ludvigsen / news
