Bomb threat against the gas plant Ormen Lange – known to the police – news Trøndelag

The man lives in Trøndelag. At the beginning of October, passengers on the Hurtigruten outside Ålesund were evacuated after the man called in a bomb threat. This is the same man who the police now suspect of having threatened Ormen Lange on Thursday morning. He has also made similar threats over several years. Sentenced in 2020 In January two years ago, he was sentenced to ten months in prison for bomb threats against several airports, including Værnes, Flesland and Sandnessjøen. He also threatened the district court in Sandnessjøen. All employees were evacuated when a bomb threat came against Ormen Lange. Photo: Shell / NTB No real threat All employees were evacuated when a threat to Ormen Lange came. – When we receive such a message about a threat, the police take it very seriously, says operations manager Per Åge Ferstad at the police press conference. He confirms that the police suspect that it is the same man who made threats against Hurtigruten. We suspect that it is the same person and further investigation will clarify that. It is the police in his home police district who now take responsibility for the man. – He will be questioned and then it will be up to the prosecution to decide what happens to him further, says Ferstad.
