Bomb squad finished after seizure in Porsgrunn – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The bomb squad from Oslo worked on the scene after acids were found in an apartment in a house in Porsgrunn on Friday afternoon. According to police lawyer Kristin Synnøve Drågen, the police have information indicating that nitric acid and sulfuric acid have been found. But they haven’t received the answers to the tests yet. The man who lives in the apartment has been charged with improper storage of explosives. – The seizures we have made mean that we take seriously the fact that such storage has been carried out in a residential building, says Drågen. The police believe that the storage could have caused major damage. The police bomb squad finished at the scene late on Saturday evening. Photo: Bettina Olie Bjerkholdt / news He thinks he has done nothing wrong. The man’s defender Jan Erik Teigum rejects this. He says that the man does not think he has done anything criminal. According to the man, the acids are stored adequately and in a locked room outside the home. – He has run what he believes is a legal business. He believes it has not been dangerous to anyone. Teigum says the man had an accident on Friday which caused the police to be called, but the accident had no consequences. His client expects the case to be dropped. Teigum says the acids were to be used for washing minerals and extracting metals from minerals. Released after questioning Drågen will not say what they have seized or how much, partly because the man was to be questioned again on Sunday. Nor does she want to say what they think the acids should be used for. The man is released after questioning, but the charge is upheld. The police will investigate the matter further. Can move back Late on Saturday evening, the bomb squad finished on site. They have documented traces and seizures. – They have also made sure to secure the fitting and take it with them, so that it cannot do any damage, says Drågen. Forensic technicians have also carried out their investigations. The barrier tape has been removed from the property. The two residents of an apartment in the home, who were evacuated on Friday, can also move back.
