Bomb-convicted Russian arrested at Svinesund on Thursday – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

According to Nettavisen, which mentioned the arrest first, the man convicted of bombing should have recently applied for asylum in Norway. He is said to have arrived in Norway on a bus from Gothenburg on Thursday. Nettavisen writes that PST was quickly notified of the arrest that took place at Svinesund. – PST can confirm that the information comes to Nettavisen with voices and that PST has been notified, says communications advisor Eirik Veum to Nettavisen. Asking for four weeks’ detention The police have asked that the now 22-year-old Russian be detained for four weeks. He will be produced for remand on Saturday. This is confirmed by the man’s defender, lawyer Javeed Shah, to NTB. – My client does not consent to the imprisonment. We have asked that he be released, but if the court believes that the conditions for imprisonment have been met, we ask that the period of imprisonment be reduced considerably, says Shah. Shah tells Nettavisen that his client had no choice but to return to Norway. – My client states that the reason he has returned to Norway is that he has been subjected to inhumane treatment and torture after he was sent back to his native Russia. Deported from Norway in 2019 The young Russian citizen was sentenced in September 2018 to a ten-month suspended prison sentence for having made a home-made explosive device. The explosive charge was a homemade bomb made of lighter gas and splinters from a chain link fence taped together in a bag. In 2019, he was expelled from Norway, because the Ministry of Justice and Emergency Preparedness believed he was a danger to fundamental national interests.
