Bolsonaro is being investigated after congress storming – Latest news – news

13 January 2023 at 22:43 Bolsonaro is being investigated after storming Congress Brazil’s former president Jair Bolsonaro is to be investigated after the storming of Congress, the presidential palace and the Supreme Court in the Brazilian capital on 8 January. That has been decided by the country’s highest court, according to AFP. At least 1,500 Bolsonaro supporters were arrested after the storming. President Lula da Silva has said that he is convinced that the rebels had received help from people inside. The Attorney General has requested that Bolsonaro be investigated in connection with the storming, and indicates that he has published a video that questions whether the presidential election in 2022 went correctly. Several of the rebels justified the storming by saying that the election of Lula da Silva was based on electoral fraud, as Bolsonaro has claimed. Bolsonaro is currently staying in Florida.
