Bolsonaro has locked himself in the presidential palace after the election defeat – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

On Sunday evening, it became clear that incumbent President Jair Bolsonaro lost the election to his rival, ex-president and trade union leader Lula da Silva. The verdict from the voters showed a narrow victory: 50.9 percent for Lula and 49.1 percent for Bolsonaro. This caused many to fear that the election result would be called into question. Now his party has announced that he will address the people later today. They say nothing about whether he will accept the result or not. Brazil’s highest electoral court, on the other hand, approved the election results on Monday. Lula da Silva is scheduled to be installed as president on January 1. Lula wins the election together with his wife when the election results were announced. Photo: Andre Penner / AP On Monday, Lula gave his first speech as president-elect from his election headquarters. There he said that he will govern for 215 million Brazilians. Not just for those who voted for him. – There are not two Brazils. We are one country, one people, one great nation, said Lula da Silva, who is now ready for a third presidential term. Quiet on Twitter On Twitter, where President Bolsonaro usually has a low threshold for commenting, there has been nothing whatsoever. The last time he tweeted was early Sunday morning, when he posted a picture of himself and a Bible word. Truck drivers protest the election results by burning car tires in Varzea Grande in the state of Mato Grosso Photo: STRINGER / Reuters Brazil researcher at the Norwegian Institute of Foreign Policy, Christiana Maglia, tells news that Bolsonaro’s reaction to the election has long been “an open question”. – Bolsonaro has already said several times that the electoral system is incorrect and that anything other than what he says “will not be possible”, she says. – It has often seemed that he prepared the terrain to oppose the result, but it has not been clear how he would do it. – Three possible outcomes in the election At an election meeting as recently as this year, Bolsonaro has said that the election has three possible outcomes: He wins He gets killed He gets arrested – There are no other possibilities, he said. But after the last TV debate on Friday before the election, he said in an interview that “the person who gets the most votes wins. Without a doubt. It is democracy”. President Bolsonaro voted in the capital Brasilia. Photo: Andre Coelho / AP Nupi researcher Maglia says she thinks comments of this kind, which have come recently, are a result of pressure. – Bolsonaro has several times expressed his fear of being brought to court, and jail, when he resigns. – This fear, of course combined with the impression that he has few opportunities to get support to oppose the results, may be a reason for this stillness. It is still difficult to know this for sure. Political scientist Yuri Kasahara at Oslo Met tells news that Bolsonaro is now in a difficult situation. – Many of his supporters have recognized the election result, so he is quite isolated. – I don’t think he has many other options other than just acknowledging the election result. Bolsonaro has still not assured that he will accept the count, and has more than hinted that strong forces want him to fail. He wants to save the country from the communism that he claims Lula represents. Roadblocks for “Tropanes Trump” Demonstrators have already blocked main roads and set fire to car tires in 11 states, writes newspaper Folha de São Paulo. Trucks with agricultural goods are stuck in the queues that build up, but cars, ambulances, buses and cars with fresh produce are allowed to pass. Both the military police and the federal police have been called to the area. The first roadblocks were set up around 01 local time shortly after Lula was declared the winner. Several videos have been posted on social media. On one of them, you can hear the national anthem being sung in the background. SORROW: Crying Bolsonaro supporters in Brasilia as Lula looked set to win. Photo: UESLEI MARCELINO / Reuters It still does not seem that there is much popular opposition among the people. There have been no reports of major violent protests. Many Bolsonaro supporters went home dejected and crying last night. Lack of widespread support Now that the election results have been announced, it seems clear that Bolsonaro does not have widespread support in the political establishment for the claim that the election is rigged either. In any case, not enough support to be able to refuse to resign, which would mean a coup d’état. According to the New York Times, no prominent parliamentarians from the far-right have spoken out in the last 24 hours to deny the election results. Carla Zambelli has distinguished herself as a voice in the National Assembly on the far right wing. She sits in the congress as an envoy from the big city of São Paulo. Here, Bolsonaro and his bodyguards drive from the residence to the office on Sunday morning. Photo: ADRIANO MACHADO / Reuters On Monday morning, Zambelli promised her followers on Twitter that she would be “the toughest opposition that Lula could ever imagine”. She does not say outright that she accepts the election result, but hints in that direction. At the same time, she forwards messages about truck drivers who have set fire to car tires and blocked streets in Luziânia in the state of Goiás in protest. “Congratulations, stay, don’t give up,” she writes.
