Bollestad’s husband had a brain haemorrhage – Latest news – news

7 July 2023 at 12:22 Bollestad’s husband suffered a cerebral haemorrhage KrF’s Olaug Bollestad reports on Facebook that the man Jan Frode suffered a cerebral haemorrhage on Wednesday. – On Wednesday Jan Frode and I were on our way to Justøy and Hedemarktoppen. In Lillesand, Jan Frode suddenly had a brain haemorrhage, she writes. She realized what was happening and called 113 immediately. – In less than ten minutes, Jan Frode was picked up and on his way to Sørlandet hospital, writes Bollestad in the post. Jan Frode has been transferred to the hospital in Stavanger and things are going incredibly well, she says. – I ask for your understanding that I and mine will now have peace for the near future.
