Bollestad bends after internal uprising – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

In a letter to the county teams in the party, the central board, led by Bollestad, spoke earlier this spring to scrap the title of county secretary and move the positions to Oslo. It made many of the county teams react strongly. – We do not support the proposal as it is there, said county leader Britt Egeland Gulbrandsen in Viken KrF to news. – We see few advantages with such an organization, said county leader Geirmund Lykke in Trøndelag. – I can not see that it is necessary, said county leader Widar Skogan in Troms and Finnmark KrF. And now the administration has been told to look at other solutions. “Better solution” In a decision, the central board now asks the secretary general to present two alternatives by the next meeting, at the end of August: Either a significant improvement in the existing structure, or an adjusted, new model based on the consultation statements. news has had the decision referenced by a source in the party with knowledge of the content. news has asked KrF leader Olaug Bollestad about how the further process will be. She replies in an email that no decision has been made about future organization. – The central board continues to work on this, she says. – In addition to the model that has been consulted, they want to consider a solution based on this, but which is adjusted somewhat based on the consultation statements, and see if you can find a better solution within the existing structure, Bollestad says in an email. – We aim for the next processing of the case to be after the summer, but it is not clear now when we will be ready to draw a conclusion in the case. Although opposition to the comprehensive proposal that was sent out was great, several of the heaviest county teams would not raise flags in the case. – Listens well Several county leaders are now pleased that the party has apparently listened to the criticism that came. – I am glad that the party’s central board listens well to the party organization and chooses to take a more thorough review of the alternatives, says Lykke in Trøndelag to news. Gulbrandsen in Viken is looking forward to a clarification of the matter and is sure that a solution will be put in place that KrF can build on. – What do you think about KrF now looking at alternatives? – This means that the party takes the shop stewards seriously. And it is good and necessary to be able to build the organization up to the next election, she says to news. – The Central Board’s decision shows that several of the inputs in the consultation round have been taken into account. It is good and important to be able to land the best possible organization adapted to the situation KrF is in, says county leader Widar Skogan in Troms and Finnmark KrF. – Party organization in crisis In the proposal that was sent out for consultation, Bollestad was very clear: – The party organization is in a critical situation, she wrote in the internal letter. The backdrop for the reorganization the leadership of the party now wants is the catastrophic election last autumn. Then KrF fell below the barrier for the first time after the war. Support from 3.8 per cent of voters led to the parliamentary group being reduced from eight to three representatives, which in turn leads to the party receiving significantly less in public support. The aim of the controversial proposal is to increase mobilization and resource utilization and achieve clearer priorities, “free up time for contact work and travel”, create “larger professional teams” and ensure a “strong professional environment”. But several county councils fear important local knowledge and anchoring will be lost if the proposal is implemented.
