Bodø2024 advertises new akevit – alcohol association believes they are breaking the law – news Nordland

The matter in summary Bodø2024 is launching a new akevitten, “Bodø2024-akevitten”, as part of the opening of Bodø and Nordland as European capital of culture. The drug organization Actis believes this violates the Alcohol Act, as it is considered marketing of alcohol. Linda Marie Rostad, responsible for liquor licenses in Bodø municipality, also believes that the launch breaks the municipality’s internal regulations for alcohol. Bodø2024 rejects the accusations and claims that the event is within the regulations. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. This coming Saturday, Bodø2024 invites you to launch a new aquavit at Hundholmen brewery in Bodø. The Akevittkvelden is one of 62 events that mark the opening of Bodø and Nordland as European capital of culture. The launch is visibly promoted on Bodø2024’s website and announced in the local newspaper. The restaurant also advertises the event on Facebook. The akevitten, which has been given the appropriate name “Bodø2024-akevitten”, is a gift from the producers Oslo Håndverksdestilleri and Foreningen Akevitt i Nord to celebrate the opening of the capital of culture year. But the new akevit is not to everyone’s taste. This is what it looked like during the program release for the capital of culture. Saturday is the official opening. Photo: Kristin Thrane / news – Although the manufacturer says they have made this as a gift for Bodø2024, it becomes marketing the moment Bodø2024 uses it in its external communication. We consider this a violation of the Alcohol Act. This is what Actis secretary general, Inger Lise Hansen, says to news. Actis is an umbrella organization for 39 different drug associations. – It is in the cards here that this gives an advertising benefit both for the aquavit producer and for Bodø2024. For both players, this will be a win-win situation, says Hansen. Secretary General of Actis, Inger Lise Hansen. Photo: Skjalg Bøhmer Vold / Actis The name of the akevitten also means that Actis believes Bodø2024 is breaking the alcohol law. – Alcohol must under no circumstances promote anything else. That’s what you do here when you call it the “Bodø2024” akevitten. – Does the launch of an aquavit belong at a cultural event? – I think that the capital of culture has much more that they can highlight. I believe that they could refrain from promoting this and avoid entering a field that will become problematic for them. – Breaking internal regulations Linda Marie Rostad, advisor for serving, serving and sales and responsible for liquor license in Bodø municipality, also reacts to the launch of the “Bodø2024-akevitten” – I believe that such a large cultural event, which has received several million in support from the taxpayers, should not advertise alcohol in this way, says Rostad. Bodø municipality is one of Bodø2024’s largest partners. The municipality has given the cultural project several million kroner in public funds. In addition, the project is supported by business, the EU and Nordland county municipality. Linda Marie Rostad. Photo: Bodø municipality Rostad says that the municipality has internal regulations for alcohol. She believes that Bodø2024 breaks the regulations. – The rules state that we must front an alcohol policy with moderation and that employees and managers in the municipality must set a good example when it comes to alcohol. – We could never arrange something similar that fronted alcohol in that way, she asserts. Disagree about breaking the law On the other hand, she believes that they are not breaking the alcohol law because it is the restaurant that has a liquor licence, and not Bodø2024. – The restaurant is not doing anything wrong in this matter according to the law. They advertise in a sober way. But I think Bodø2024 should make an internal assessment as to whether this is the right way to do things. Hansen in Actis does not agree with Rostad that the cultural event does not break the law. – We have strict alcohol legislation in Norway. An important part of that is about preventing the advertising of alcohol. It is important that all actors follow the regulations, and not just those with a liquor licence, she says. – The impression that it is within Bodø2024 is submitted to the comments from Actis and Rostad in Bodø municipality. – Of course, we comply with the regulations. This is not part of our marketing either, but part of the cultural calendar, which provides information on which events are taking place in Bodø, says project director André Wallann Larsen to news. André Wallann Larsen, director of Bodø 2024. Photo: Ole Dalen / news He goes on to say that all types of events are welcome as part of their cultural calendar. – Did you consider in advance not to include the event because it is alcohol-related? – Hundholmen Brewery is responsible for the programme. We have the impression that this is within the regulations since, in addition to the launch, there is also a lecture on the akevitten, says Larsen. To the claims that the event provides benefits for them and the aquavit producers, he responds as follows: – It does not provide any benefit for us. We have no financial benefits from it. I don’t know what the manufacturer earns from it. They have a limited run, so I reckon the economy isn’t the most important thing here.
