Boat migrants are allowed to come to Norway – Latest news – news

18 November 2022 at 21:30 TV 2: Boat migrants are allowed to come to Norway Norway has given notice that we will accept boat migrants from Ocean Viking. – The government has decided that Norway will offer relocation from the ship Ocean Viking, confirms State Secretary Eivind Vad Petersson in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to TV 2. It was finally France that allowed the Norwegian-owned boat Ocean Viking to dock last week, after four countries had refused to accept the boat. On board were 234 refugees and asylum seekers. The migrants had been rescued from the water on their escape across the Mediterranean. – Norway does not have a responsibility under the human rights conventions or the law of the sea for people who are taken on board private Norwegian-flagged ships in the Mediterranean, writes Vad Petersson in an e-mail to TV 2. He emphasizes that the reason why Norway will accept twenty migrants from Ocean Viking , is the extraordinary humanitarian situation.
