Boat fire in Oslo – great risk of spreading – Latest news – news

27 July 2024 at 00:53 Boat fire in Oslo – great risk of spreading Three boats are on fire after a cabin cruiser caught fire at Frognerstranda in Oslo around midnight on the night of Saturday. – There is a great risk of spreading, the police say. Just before 1 o’clock the fire had spread – and three boats were on fire. – There is some distance to the next boats, so the risk of spreading is somewhat limited, the police in Oslo said then. There should not have been any people in any of the boats – and no injured people have been reported. – The fire brigade has control of the fire. There are three boats that have been damaged in a fire, reports operations manager Per-Ivar Iversen at the Oslo police district at 01:07 (NTB/news)
