“Blood clot fishing” against stroke saved Jens Tore Dahl – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– I still drag a bit on one leg, I go and subbar a bit. But it’s probably just a matter of training, says Jens Dahl. The 78-year-old had a stroke just a few months ago, but is already back at work. Jens Dahl at work at Sonen’s workshop, where he, among other things, makes snow blowers. He has experienced several strokes and trips to Rikshospitalet, but then he had an operation which is new for patients with major strokes. Without the new treatment method, he might not have survived, or he could have become a care patient. – It was good to be done with it. Symptoms of a stroke A stroke is an acute illness that causes a sudden loss of body functions due to disturbances in the blood circulation to the brain. In the vast majority of cases, this happens because of a blood clot. This means that a blood vessel in the brain is blocked by a blood clot. The most common symptoms are: Paralysis on one side of the face Paralysis on one side of the body, in an arm or a leg Language and speech disorders Other symptoms that may be signs of a stroke are slight weakness in a hand or arm, severe headache, vision problems or dizziness. Source: Helsenorge Saves lives Stroke is one of the most common causes of death in Norway. Over 9,000 people suffer a stroke each year. But the treatment method “blood clot fishing” increases the chance of surviving a major stroke by 11 percent. This is shown by a new global study in which Oslo University Hospital is also involved. This is how the blood vessels look as seen through ultrasound. A plastic tube is passed through the blood vessel system, all the way to the brain. Either the blood clot is sucked out or he is grabbed with the help of a small tool and pulled out. In the past, clot fishing has only been done in patients with minor strokes. In the radiology department at Rikshospitalet, they perform 250 such operations a year, but the results of the study will probably lead to more. Reduces damage The treatment that Dahl received also increases the chance of regaining usable function by 18 per cent. – This means that even those with major, established injuries can receive effective treatment and recover from the stroke, says doctor and neurologist Anne Hege Aamodt. Neurologist Anne Hege Aamodt checks how Jens Dahl is doing. She is Dahl’s doctor and is thrilled with the results. – If he hadn’t had the blood clot operated on, he would have had an impact on his language and severe paralysis on the right side and an impact on his language. Then it would not have been possible to drive a car or work in the company as he does now. The treatment method that Jens Dahl received meant that, despite the stroke, he can live almost as before. Photo: Siri Vålberg Saugstad / news – I haven’t had any lasting problems, says Dahl. Although he was retired about ten years ago, he has no plans to stop working at his son’s workshop. – Up and out, and take back life, it is absolutely crucial to function. Jens should have credit for it being so good, says Aamodt.
