Bjørnar Moxnes arrested for theft at Gardermoen – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

On Friday, the Rødt leader received and paid the fine. – I have now accepted the offer of NOK 3,000 that I received at 15.06. At Gardermoen on Friday two weeks ago, I got the impression that it was about a simplified submission, but I probably misunderstood that, says Bjørnar Moxnes to news, and adds: – My wish has been to settle things for myself. I’ve walked out of a shop with glasses without paying, so even if it wasn’t on purpose, it’s neatest that way. In the report, of which news has obtained a copy, the following is stated: “The Chief of Police in East is hereby charging Bjørnar Moxnes … with having breached Section 323 first paragraph of the Criminal Code, cf. Section 321 for having taken an object that belonged to another, with the intention of obtaining an unjustified gain for himself or others…” That is to say, the police believe he took the glasses on purpose. news has confirmed that there is surveillance video of the incident. Moxnes received the presentation on Friday afternoon. The police: Moxnes stole Hugo Boss sunglasses – We can confirm that the person in question was fined NOK 3,000 for petty theft under section 323 of the Criminal Code, says police attorney Ole-Martin Gurandsrud to news. Gurandsrud says the basis for the submission is that he Friday 16 June at 17.36 at the Travel Retail Norway store in Gardermoen took a pair of sunglasses from the brand Hugo Boss. The sunglasses are worth NOK 1199. Then he walked out of the store without making amends. – The police have assessed that the subjective and objective conditions for punishment have been met in this case. – What does that mean? – The police have assessed the evidence in the case, which includes surveillance images and explanations from the victim and accused in the case. Based on the evidence in the case, the police are convinced that the accused has behaved as described in the factual basis and that this is a violation of § 323 of the Criminal Code. – In addition, the police believe that he has acted intentionally, that is to say that he has acted with the necessary degree of knowledge. – So that you know you have broken the law? – Yes, that you have realized or been aware of what you have done. It is the company Travel Retail Norway that operates all the Tax Free shops at Gardermoen. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB – Flaut It was Romerikes Blad that first mentioned the case. – It is absolutely true that I took a pair of sunglasses out of a shop in Gardermoen without paying. That was not the intention, and is very embarrassing, says Moxnes to Romerikes Blad. He goes on to say that he forgot he had his sunglasses on when he was going to leave the store. – Later, a guard came over and asked for the glasses. Then I was incredibly embarrassed. Instead of any excuses, it was just a matter of accepting the consequences, says Moxnes. Do not usually report oversights Communications Manager Håkon Dagestad in Duty Free Norway does not wish to comment on the course of events for reasons of privacy. – We report everything we experience as theft, and then it is the police’s task to take it from there, says Dagestad to news. – Do you have many thefts with you? – We are probably one of the businesses that report the most thefts a year. – Are there many oversights? – There are a number of oversights. They tend to come back to the store and then it resolves itself that way. It is only when we experience something like theft that we go to report. – What do you perceive as theft then? – That you take a product and leave. Dagestad further says that they do not usually report oversights when people return to the store with the item they have forgotten to pay for. – Can it happen that you discover the oversight first? – I do not know. If we have reported theft, it is because we believe it is theft. It is then up to the police to assess the evidence. No harsh criticism from other Storting representatives Moxnes’ colleagues in the Storting are cautious in their comments on the matter. – In general, I am concerned that everyone, including politicians, pays for themselves when you pick up an item in a shop. This should of course also apply to Rødt politicians, says Frp’s parliamentary representative Sivert Bjørnstad in an SMS to news. – This is sad for him, but it is probably because he is distracted, yes. I don’t think he has done this deliberately, says Frps Helge André Njåstad. Høyre’s Peter Frølich, who heads the control committee at the Storting, does not want to comment on the matter. Neither does the justice committee’s leader Per-Willy Amundsen (Frp). The case is primarily embarrassing, says SPS Ivar Prestbakmo, who sits on the justice committee at the Storting. – I assume that the assessment to impose a fine of NOK 3,000 on him reflects the police’s usual assessment in such cases, and that he has thus received his punishment, he says.
