Bird droppings and insects damage the car – how to avoid them – news Nordland

Finding the car soiled with bird droppings is not a pleasant surprise. – You will be disappointed. You work hard to keep it nice and clean, and then you have birds working against it, says Marcus Andre Arntzen from Bodø. And add: – You use an awful lot of detergent just to keep it clean, even if it gets just as bad afterwards. Marcus Andre Arntzen is above average interested in cars and takes several precautions to prevent the paint from being damaged Photo: Private Many people probably wash the car if it gets dirty, and that may be more important than you think. Bird droppings can cause quite a lot of damage to the paintwork. Here are some tips on how you can take the best possible care of your car paint and avoid the car holiday nightmare this summer: Remove the bird droppings immediately Roger Karlsen in Karlsen’s car painting says that bird poo contains acid that can damage the paint. This does not apply to all bird poo, but depends somewhat on what the bird has eaten and how much acid it has in its stomach. – If it’s really bad, it actually eats right down to the goods, i.e. the aluminum or steel of the car. WASH: If the car looks like this, you should rinse off with soapy water fairly quickly, and not wait until the next car wash with a brush machine. Photo: Kai Jæger Kristoffersen / news – You can see it very well on some cars, especially if you have left the bird droppings on the car, says Karlsen. He recommends using a little soapy water on the bird poo as soon as possible to avoid it drying out too well. – Do not rub. Rinse, put soap on, and rinse off with warm water, says Karlsen, who explains that the soapy water eliminates the acid. RINSE WELL: Use soapy water and rinse well, for example with a high-pressure washer. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB Soak the insects It is impossible not to encounter flying insects when you are out driving a car in summer. Smeared insects from the bonnet and windscreen can also be difficult to remove. If the paintwork on the car is hot, stomach acid from insects can cause etching damage to the paintwork. Here is the advice to soak the insects before washing the car. This is easily done by placing wet microfiber cloths over the worst affected parts of the car. Leave the towels for an hour or two before washing the car. Here, insects have sat on a white car. In the same way that bird poo can damage the paintwork on the car, stomach acid in the insects can cause etching damage to the paintwork. Photo: Arne Petter Wallin Marthinsen / news Be careful with the car wash Karlsen says car owners should be careful with the use of brush machines on their cars. – Do not use a brush machine when washing the car. Then you put a lot of wear and tear on the paint, and get many small scratches in it. He says that many people wash the car with a sponge. – But you should do that after you have gotten it 100 percent clean. Otherwise, you just rub the sand around, says Karlsen. – You should not need to use a sponge. If it has to, you’ve waited a little too long. Then it is better to get a proper wash in a proper place. Then you can wash it normally afterwards. DO NOT LET IT DRY: The very best thing is not to let the bird droppings settle and dry thoroughly. Avoid rock falls Keep a distance from other cars. Stone chipping is one of car paint’s worst enemies. – We see that cars that have a lot of stone chips, you see that both the windscreen and the headlight glass are damaged, says Karlsen. And when even the windscreen is not against pebbles, it is clear that it can damage the paintwork. – Sometimes it also goes through the paint, he says. – It is expensive to repair because then you have to paint the entire hood. Avoid parking under trees You should also be aware when you park your car in the shade under trees. That’s what Jan Harry Svendsen in NAF says. – You can risk fallout from, for example, sap that drips onto the paint and sticks there. If you park under a tree, you run the risk of sap dripping onto the paintwork and sticking there. Photo: Privat No one wants to experience the start of a holiday with an abrupt stop on the side of the road. NAF also has other tips for you who are going on a car holiday this summer. Bring a spare wheel? Punctures are something NAF’s road service has the most call-outs for. New cars are often delivered without a spare wheel, and more and more without a jack. – Some cars have these small, thin emergency wheels that save space and weight, says Svendsen. The only thing you find in the trunk is a bottle of patching foam and a compressor. – But it doesn’t help if the tire has exploded. Then you have to call for roadside assistance, which many people have in their insurance. If you don’t have a spare wheel in your car, you risk this if you get a flat tire on a road trip. Photo: Sebastian Nordli/news But should you have a spare wheel in the car? – It is situational. The question is where and how far to travel. Check the car and remember the spare key NAF also advises to check the engine oil, tire pattern, brake and coolant level and make sure the car is in good technical condition. – It is also smart to have an extra spare key for the car, and not leave it in the car. Let someone else in the household keep them in a safe place. – Pack the car correctly, heavy luggage can kill A lot of luggage in the car can create scary situations, NAF also reminds. – Proper packing of the car is important. Heavy items should be placed as far down and forward as possible. Then you fill in with lighter things on top. Svendsen advises holidaymakers to avoid putting loose objects on top of the hat shelf. – If you have to brake, it can fly forward like a projectile. Do not leave iPads loose in the car, they have a great potential for damage if they come flying. Don’t leave pets in the car Four-legged friends must be in a cage or in an approved dog harness, says Svendsen. – Do not leave the dog in a hot car. Unfortunately, we often see people walking away from the dog, with just a small crack in the window to get some air. The problem is not air, but heat. Our advice is to never leave a dog in the car. Take it with you. The temperature rises very quickly in a parked car. Photo: Unsplash/Anvesh
