Billions of dollars in Bybane construction in Bergen – the boss resigned – news Vestland

On Wednesday, the news came about a crack of NOK one billion – just three months before the light rail line from Bergen city center via Haukeland University Hospital to Fyllingsdalen opens in November. The price tag is therefore around NOK 10 billion. The politicians in Vestland county – both warm defenders of the urban rail investment and more lukewarm politicians – are more easily shocked: – Bad news! Incredibly unfortunate timing! Serious and with big consequences! In the past, Bybanen line 1 was built from the center of Bergen via Nestun and Lagunen to Flesland without crossings. But the Bybanen i Bergen usually does not drive past quietly. news has written a number of articles about how Bybanen line 3 caused chaos in the Bergen city council last autumn. Three times in six months this spring there have been new reports of large budget overruns on the construction of the line to Fyllingsdalen: In February: NOK 387 million. In May: NOK 240 million. In August: NOK 380 million – The alarm went off – After the message in May, the alarm went off with me, says Vestland County Council’s chief administrative officer, county director Rune Haugsdal. He then demanded an additional review, which during the summer revealed new excesses. The sum of over one billion kroner was made public on Wednesday. There will also be a new holding area under the hospital in Bergen when Bybanen line 2 opens. Photo: Julianne Bråten Mossing / news Development director Roger Skoglie at Bybanen Utbygging resigned with immediate effect, and is not available to either the media or the politicians. But on Friday, Haugsdal and the county’s Deputy Director of Transport Håkon Rasmussen met “on the carpet” in the County Committee to explain and answer questions. The state will not help No one knows in advance what cuts can and must be made to cover the billion gap, but it must happen, says county mayor Jon Askeland (Sp). – There will be less money left for the rest. Now it is cost-cutting that is owed, he says. Transport Minister Jon-Ivar Nygård (Ap) confirms that he does not open his wallet. The line is nine kilometers in total. Photo: Simon Skjelvik Brandseth / news – No, the state does not help cover cost overruns. Me has nothing to contribute. He says it is up to local politicians to decide which other projects must then be postponed, reduced or cut. – One gets the impression of an organization with many chefs. And the fact that we have received piecemeal and shared information is not confidence-inspiring, says Sigrid Brattabø Handegard (Sp). Announces that the Bybane construction will be delayed by almost half a year – Unusually complex Transport Director Håkon Rasmussen admits to poor control and management. – It is very unfortunate to have to report yet another exceedance. This part of the light rail development has been unusually complex, at the same time that the country has had both the corona pandemic and strong wage and price growth in the construction industry. But we should have had better control over this, he says. – What has the development director known and possibly not told about cost cracks? – There is no suspicion of under- or incorrect reporting in this case. But this is a complicated project that has had a little too poor cost follow-up over the past year, says Rasmussen. Bybanen has run test trips to great cheers from kindergarten children. Photo: Linnea Skare Oskarsen / news – Did you ask him to back off? – In discussion with him after the excesses I discovered this summer, he found out that he wanted to withdraw, says Rasmussen. – The need for trust is great. Rasmussen believes that the Bybanen in Bergen is so politically inflamed that it is extra important that the development director has control and the necessary trust. – This is not just any project. We all know how political this project has been in Bergen. Many Norwegian transport projects have failed much more than this without someone taking responsibility and leaving. But in this project the need for trust is great. As we now approach the construction stage with the line to Åsane, it is important to have good trust, cost management and communication. – Because it is so controversial and politically explosive? – And complicated. The light rail line 2 has a three kilometer tunnel through the mountain Løvstakken. Photo: Simon Skjelvik Brandseth / news After the first budget crack in February, Deputy Director of Transport Rasmussen stated that they now had good control over costs. – It is not in the law, he notes today. – Do you yourself have responsibility for the excesses? – One can always use hindsight, but I have to deal with the reports I get. Based on what I have learned along the way, I think this was handled correctly. Skoglie retains the salary level of around NOK 1.5 million, even if he resigns from the leadership position, and moves on to other work in the county council. – The system is out of order when someone with a significant responsibility has not carried out the responsibility and leaves the position but keeps his salary, Handegard believes. – Should be able to breathe with your stomach But several politicians were concerned that a budget gap of 10 per cent is not so unusual in Norwegian transport projects. – I think maybe in five years I will say that this was a good project, says Knut Inge Andersen in the People’s Party (FNB). – When it’s serious, we should be able to breathe with our stomachs, said Anne Gine Hestetun (Ap). The employees of Bybanen development believe they will win back the people’s trust. Photo: Simon Skjelvik Brandseth / news – The stupidest thing I can do is start a witch trial. The matter is serious, but at the same time I will cheer for Bybanen. It is particularly important when we are going to build the Bybanen to Åsane, said Geir Kjell Andersland (V). And county director Rune Haugsdal drew an optimistic comparison that both football players and urban railway builders can get back on their feet after going down the drain. – Without comparison otherwise: Fire moved down, but shows ability to rise again. I hope I will be able to do that with Bybanen as well.
