Billionaire Tord Ueland Kolstad is moving from Norway to Switzerland – news Nordland

Kolstad, who according to Kapital has a fortune of 1.45 billion, tells Avisa Nordland that he is moving to Lucerne immediately. – There is no doubt that the Norwegian wealth tax – and especially the increase in working capital – plays a role, he tells the newspaper. Yesterday it became known that Kjell Inge Røkke is also moving to Switzerland. In the past, Bjørn Dæhlie has done the same. According to Avisa Nordland, Kolstad has taxed NOK 21 million to Bodø since 2017. – I think it is very stupid that we have a taxation system in Norway which means that those who invest all their capital in business development are taxed so heavily that they have to move out, says Kolstad to the newspaper. – I am very happy in Bodø and I think it is very stupid that we have such a taxation system. – Regrettable Høyre’s mayoral candidate in Bodø, Odd-Emil Ingebrigtsen, thinks it is regrettable that Kolstad is moving. – I think it is very bad that he has found out that it is the best for him, his family and the company, he says to news. – Are there any ways one can counteract this from a political point of view, apart from lowering taxes? – It is a reality that the current government has doubled the tax burden on Norwegian ownership. If you had taken the income that you have today from tax on working capital and put it on corporation tax, it would have been a much better solution. Then the company you own pays that tax. – Some will think that it is the welfare society that has enabled them to build up such a fortune, and that they are running away from society by moving to tax havens. Do you understand it? – Yes I understand. I think the solution is to find a tax system that rewards those who stand by and at the same time provides enough income for society at large to take care of those who, for various reasons, make it on their own. – Do you fear more will follow? – Yes, there are things that could indicate that. What is regrettable is that there is a penchant for people who start businesses and do well to be hanged. Especially from the left in politics. – Several hundred on a trip out of the country Sture Pedersen is perhaps Norway’s best-known tax cutter. The Bø mayor cut the local wealth tax to attract riches. He, too, is afraid that this is the start of a larger relocation of riches, he tells news. – I am afraid that this is the start of something. – We have a tax policy that causes people to leave the country. It’s a great shame. Someone needs to sit down and talk about this. Through his network of contacts, Pedersen constantly hears talk of riches who have packed their suitcases too well. – People I speak to say that there are several hundred traveling out of the country. I think someone should take that to heart.
