Bilal Saab about recording the news program “Here lukter det fesk” – news Troms and Finnmark

– If you compare it to how much I fish otherwise, it’s quite a bit. So says musician and fishing enthusiast Bilal Saab from Sørøya in Finnmark. Although he has been on a number of fishing trips with Norwegian musicians over the past six months, he has not had enough of fishing. Quite the contrary. The fishing nerd, who can spend up to 18 hours a day fishing, admits that he has been looking forward to finishing the recording of the news series “Here lukter det fesk”. Although it was full of content and fun, he would prefer to spend as much time as possible at sea with a fishing rod. – It has been an experience like no other, but it only shows how bad my fish brain injury has become. – It’s completely wild, he grins. In the programme, Bilal Saab has been allowed to fish in other places and areas than he would normally have done. – It has been a cool experience, he says. “Here it smells fishy” combines two of Bilal’s great passions, which are fish and music. Joining the project was therefore not a difficult decision to make. – There are two things that are close to my heart, and they are the two things that I work with in this world. So it was really a no-brainer, he says. And then a third passion came into the world this spring. Then Bilal had a daughter. Father for the first time Bilal Saab became a father for the first time in April this year. Then the recording of the news program was already underway. – When I had someone at home who changes from day to day, and who I really want to see grow up and develop, then it wasn’t necessarily as cool to be away for many weeks. – In that sense, it was a bit challenging, but it went well. He is happy that there was a break between the filming trips, so that he could be at home a good deal of the time as well. – How will it be to balance the passion for fishing and the life of young children in the future? – Of course you can put your own needs and priorities aside, and that’s fine. End of 18-hour fishing trips The fishing-loving Finnmarkingen wants to give her daughter a nice childhood that involves a lot of nature, which is being outside. And that also involves fishing. – But I think I’ll have to stop going on such 18-hour super hardcore fishing trips, at least when she’s with me. – And then we can rather focus on lighting fires, grilling sausages and having a lot of action with small fish, so that you cultivate this joy as far and as well as possible, says Bilal. Here are the artists he takes on tour: First episode: Halibut with Ida MariaBilal takes fearless Ida Maria on a halibut hunt in the roaring sea depths off Sørøya, but is she as tough at sea as she is on stage? Second episode: Skrei with Kjartan LauritzenBilal takes Kjartan on an unforgettable journey filled with adrenaline, friendship and impressive cod – and Kjartan hopes for a record! Third episode: Trout with Kurt NilsenKurt and Bilal soar over Finnmarksvidda in a seaplane, looking for hidden freshwater and huge trout. Fourth episode: Trout with Agnete SabaBilal and Agnete jump on the snowmobile to find a secret, frozen fishing lake. And when you wait for the char, then the close stories come. Fifth episode: Salmon with BroilerSimen from Broiler and Bilal visit one of the world’s best salmon rivers to fish for wild salmon. Simen hopes for luck and big salmon! Sixth episode: Ulke with Moillrock The boy from Moillrock gets help from Bilal to get started on the old fishing boat, because now he wants to go fishing – even if he gets seasick! Published 13.09.2024, at 07.42
