Bigger promises smaller screens in school – Latest news – news

2 January 2024 at 08:15 Støre promises fewer screens in schools When 2024 is over, there will be less screen use in schools. That’s what Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) says. – The mobile phone should take up less space in school, it should be out during school hours, and the screens should be used sensibly, says Støre in Politisk kvarter on Tuesday morning. He is clear that there is no question of dropping all screen use, but believes that they have been used uncritically – at the expense of learning and well-being. – I think that the screens do not lead to that well-being, and not quality of learning, says Støre. He is concerned about poor results at school, and particularly highlights the need for good training in reading. – It is the basis for so much learning. We are now addressing that, says the Prime Minister. In the past, Minister of Education Kari Nessa Nordtun (Ap) has also taken a clear stand for a mobile-free school and less screen use. She has also pointed to screen use as one of the reasons for poorer results in the latest Pisa survey.
