Big reactions to Joe Biden withdrawing from the 2024 presidential election – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre says he respects the choice not to stand for re-election. – He bases the decision on the fact that he wants to put the country in charge of itself. That foundation commands respect, and it is an attitude that has characterized his efforts as a politician. Støre has great respect for Biden, also for the decision to withdraw at this time. Biden has worked against the presidency his entire professional life. He was only 30 years old when he was elected as a senator, the youngest one can be. – Biden has been among America’s most prominent politicians over several decades, says Støre, who praises Biden for his leadership in NATO. Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide also says that Norway has had a good relationship with Biden and his administration. Espen Barth Eide, Joe Biden and NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg at the NATO summit in Washington DC. earlier in July. Photo: Susan Walsh / AP – I am sure that it will be continued with a new candidate. It is the United States that must choose its president and we have great respect for the processes, but it will be very exciting who it will be, he says, and wants the Democratic Party to close. Not surprised There have been weeks of enormous pressure on Biden to resign after he made what most call a miserable performance in the presidential debate against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on June 27. Biden has always denied that he has to give up, and on Sunday afternoon his team was out promising that the election campaign will proceed as normal until next week. Biden posted this on X on Sunday evening. Photo: Screenshot / X Nevertheless, USA expert Eirik Løkke was not surprised when the message came on X on Sunday evening. – This was not unexpected, he should have done it yesterday, says Løkke, who works at the liberal think tank Civita. – He should never have stood for re-election. That Biden finally came to that recognition is good. Løkke says that this changes the whole dynamic of what he calls “the most unique election in American history”. Biden himself points to Vice President Kamala Harris as the one who should take over the presidential candidacy. Photo: THE WHITE HOUSE Nor was Høgre leader Erna Solberg shocked when Biden wrote on X just before eight Sunday Norwegian time that he would not run for re-election. – It is sad in a way, but at the same time very easy to understand that Joe Biden chooses to withdraw as the Democrats’ presidential candidate, she says to news. US first lady Jill Biden shared her husband’s resignation letter on Instagram with a heart. Photo: Screenshot / X Ho thinks about the age of Biden, who turns 82 later this year. – I am not very surprised by the decision given the developments in recent weeks. Statements of support from the Democrats On Sunday afternoon, the speech was about Democrats who had come out and asked Biden to withdraw in the 36th. Although the party has been divided and several have expressed their support for Biden to continue with the election campaign, there has been pressure on him to go been enormous in recent weeks. When Biden announced his withdrawal, statements of support poured in. Former House Speaker for the Democrats Nancy Pelosi praises Biden for his resignation. – President Joe Biden is a patriotic American who has always put our country first. His legacy, with vision, values ​​and leadership, makes him one of the most important presidents in American history, she says, reports CNN. She has not wanted to ask Biden to resign publicly, but has repeatedly said that he must “make a choice” – also during the period when he repeated daily that he had chosen to remain in office. Nancy Pelosi praises Biden for resigning. Photo: n21728 Chuck Schumer, senator in New York and the leader of the majority in the Senate, praises Biden for putting “the party and the future” before himself. – Joe Biden has not only been a good president and a leader, but a wonderful person, he writes on X. He writes that he knows the decision has not been easy for Biden. Chuck Schumer was the first senator to ask Biden to resign. Photo: Manuel Balce Ceneta / Manuel Balce Ceneta Pete Buttigieg, who sits in Biden’s government, write on the X that the president has earned his place among the best and most important presidents in American history. – I am so proud to have served under his leadership, and grateful for his focus on what is best for our country, he writes. Obama: – Showed us away from chaos and lies Former president of the USA Barack Obama published his statement a few hours later. – Joe Biden has been one of America’s most active presidents, as much a dear friend and a partner, he writes, and calls Biden a “patriot of the highest rank”. Joe Biden and Barack Obama, then vice president and president. Photo: NICHOLAS KAMM Biden served as Obama’s vice president from 2009 to 2017. In 2016, Trump and the Republicans won power, before Biden returned it to the Democrats in 2020. – President Biden showed us away from four years of chaos, lies and division that prega Donald Trump’s administration, wrote Obama on Sunday evening. Several heads of state praise the president Reuters reports that British Prime Minister Keir Starmer praises Biden for having resigned now. – I know, because that is what he has done throughout his remarkable career, that President Biden has made this decision based on what he believes is in the interest of the American people. Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Germany says that Biden has achieved a lot for the USA, Europe and the world, not least strengthening NATO. Israeli President Isaac Herzog thanks Biden for his “friendship and staunch support for the Israeli people” at X, and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk writes that Poland, America and the world are safer and more democratic because of Biden. – A history-making president Gavin Newsom, governor of California, write on the X that Biden will go down in history as one of the most energetic and selfless presidents. – President Biden has been an extraordinary, history-making president. A leader who has fought hard for working people and delivered astonishing results for all Americans, writes Newsom. Senator Tammy Baldwin, who is running for re-election as senator in the swing state of Wisconsin, thanks the president for now resigning, and calls him sincere and dedicated, writes CNN. Bill and Hillary Clinton support Kamala Harris The Democrats now have a few weeks to choose a new presidential candidate. The head of the Democrats’ National Committee, Jaime Harrison, says that the American people will “hear from the party about the next steps and the way forward towards the nomination process”. Nancy Pelosi praises Biden for resigning. Photo: n21728 He admits that the party is now in a unique situation, but says they will work to identify another candidate – without mentioning any names or details. Neither did Speaker Pelosi when she came out in support of Biden today. But Biden himself has already mentioned a name: Kamala Harris. At X, he points to the vice-president as his heir. It receives support from Bill and Hillary Clinton, reports Reuters. Bill Clinton was president from 1993 to 2001, while Hillary Clinton ran against Donald Trump, and lost, in 2016. Harris has not yet commented on the case. Photo: Nora Savosnick Harris also receives support from several top donors. In recent days, several of them have contacted Harris to signal that they will support her if she runs, say three different sources to CNN. A strategist in the Democratic Party who works with some of the most wealthy donors they have, wrote on Sunday evening that Kamala Harris is the right woman for the job. – She is the American dream in person, a daughter of immigrants who met at university, she writes, and emphasizes that she cannot wait to help Harris win. Donald Trump wrote on his own social platform that Harris will be even easier to beat than Biden. But Harris herself has threatened: – I will do everything in my power to gather the Democratic Party – and gather our nation – to beat Donald Trump, Reuters writes that she says. Published 21.07.2024, at 20.27 Updated 21.07.2024, at 22.41
