Big mistake in the Danish election – votes must be counted again – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

At the polling station in Sæby, the votes for Enhetslisten and the Danish Democrats were exchanged. The unity list received 980 votes. But those votes belonged to the Danish Democrats, who registered only 104 votes. Electoral officer Marianne Lessél apologizes for the error: – We have done our best, but an error has occurred, and it is a human error. Now we are doing a fine count, and at 1pm we expect to have a result. Discuss the consequences According to DR, it means that the red bloc is likely to get 876 fewer votes than first thought. These go to the blue block instead. According to election researcher Kasper Møller Hansen, who is a professor at the Department of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen, the error should not be able to happen: – But nothing will change when it is corrected, he says to Jyllands-Posten according to Ritzau. According to Danish TV2, there is speculation as to whether the error could lead to one mandate going from a red to a blue block. But it is emphasized that it is not very likely. – If that were to happen, there would no longer be a red majority, says TV2’s political analyst, Jesper Vestergren. Another expert also does not believe in major changes, but says that this is very unusual. – It is rare that such a counting error occurs, says Niels Nørgaard Kristensen who is a lecturer at the Department of Political Science at Aalborg University to TV2.
