Biden received thousands of blank votes – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Although it is mathematically not a given that Donald Trump will become the Republican Party’s presidential candidate in November, USA expert Sofie Høgestøl believes that this is now almost completely probable. – He had to lose all the upcoming primaries in all the other states. There is nothing to indicate that he will do that, says Høgestøl. Thus, it is expected that the USA will have a replay of the US presidential election in 2020, a rematch between Trump and Biden. Donald Trump has every reason to smile after winning the Republican nomination in most states so far. Photo: Chandan Khanna / AFP It is Super Tuesday, which means that 15 American states voted for their presidential candidates last night. Usually an exciting affair, but this year the result was well predicted in advance. The Democrats’ candidate, Joe Biden, had no challengers, and took the victory in all 15 states. So far, he has won 100 percent of the nomination vote so far, after he won in South Carolina on Monday. An unpopular presidential candidate Although Biden inevitably had to win in Minnesota as well, this was not entirely painless. 20 percent of the democratic voters voted blankly in the state, after a protest campaign against Biden’s attitudes in the Israel-Hamas war, and the lack of a ceasefire in Gaza. The same thing happened in Michigan last week, where over 100,000 voted blankly for the same reason. Biden has proven to be an unpopular candidate, and many are also critical of his advanced age, 81 years. Over 70 percent say in a New York Times survey that they think he is too old to be president. Joe Biden has not taken the concerns about his own age very seriously. Last week he joked that the age was “classified information”. Photo: Evelyn Hockstein / Reuters Nevertheless, he wins all nomination elections, because the Democrats have not fielded other candidates. Are Tågvold Flaten is a political scientist and editor in American politics. He believes this is a tactic from democratic voters. – Although there are many good alternatives, they have concluded that it is in their interest to sit still in the boat. Høgestøl points out that it is always difficult to challenge a sitting president from one’s own party. USA expert and associate professor at the Department of Public Law at the University of Oslo, Sofie Høgestøl. Photo: Amanda Iversen Orlich / news – Joe Biden says that he is the only one who can win against Trump, and the party has chosen to support him in that instead of betting on something new. – A fantastic night On the Republican side, it has been a completely super Tuesday for former President Donald Trump, who came away with superior victories last night in a total of 13 states. Utah and Alaska’s votes have not yet been counted. From before, he has won in seven states. – It has been a fantastic night, a fantastic day, said Donald Trump from the lectern inside his private club in Mar-a-Lago, where supporters and staff have gathered to follow the match. Photo: Chandan Khanna / AFP One exception Only one state voted for someone other than Trump and Biden, namely Vermont. Trump’s only challenger, Nikki Haley, won in the state that houses over half a million people. Thus, Haley has taken two more states together, after she beat Trump in Washington DC on Monday. Haley has thus gained 23 delegates, and Trump 617. But the former South Carolina governor has nevertheless been a worthy opponent in the states he lost. In several of them, she received 30-40 percent of the vote. Now there is speculation as to whether she will give up in the further battle to become a presidential candidate, or whether she will continue. She has not yet commented on today’s result. Republican Nikki Haley is Trump’s only competitor in the nomination election. Photo: Scott Eisen / AFP USA expert Høgestøl clarifies that a lot can happen before November, but that right now Trump is well on his way to the presidential election in the autumn. – He seals in good opinion polls nationally. Several polls came out this weekend which show that Trump leads Joe Biden.
