Biden has asked Stoltenberg to continue – Latest news – news

16 June 2023 at 14:42 news learns: Biden has asked Stoltenberg to continue According to what news learns, US President Joe Biden has asked Jens Stoltenberg to continue as NATO’s Secretary General for one more year. The call came when Stoltenberg visited Biden in Washington DC earlier this week. Stoltenberg is said to have not yet responded to the president’s request. Stoltenberg’s term in NATO has actually expired, but has been extended several times, including as a result of Russia’s war against Ukraine. The latest extension lasts until 30 September this year. There has long been speculation about who could take over the NATO job after Stoltenberg in the autumn, or whether he would continue as secretary-general into 2024. Stoltenberg was asked about this at a press conference on Friday afternoon. – I have nothing more to say about this. I have said repeatedly that I am not seeking an extension. I have no plans other than to quit when my term of service is finished in the autumn. And that is what I have been saying for some time now, replied Stoltenberg.
