Biden gives the traditional speech on the state of the nation – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Tonight, US President Joe Biden delivers the important State of the Nation address. Among other things, there is tension about whether Biden will use the speech to announce that he is standing as a presidential candidate in the 2024 election. In a recent poll conducted for the Washington Post and ABC News, 58 percent of the Democrats polled say they want a presidential candidate other than Biden next year. They say this despite the fact that 78 percent of Democrats in the same survey think the president is doing a good job. A fairly large majority of the Democrats therefore want to replace Joe Biden at the election in 2024. Nevertheless, it is expected that the President of the United States will soon announce officially that he wants re-election. Rock star on the guest list The speech about the state of the kingdom is a live piece of political theater every year. And perhaps more than ever this year. All the politicians in the House of Representatives and the Senate gather in the congress hall, in addition to Supreme Court judges, members of the government and invited guests. The guest list this year includes rock star Bono. Afghanistan’s former ambassador to the United States, Roya Rahmani, as well as the family of Tire Nichols. The African-American 29-year-old who was brutally beaten up and killed by several police officers in Memphis in January.
