Bhatti decision postponed again – Latest news – news

27 December 2023 at 10:52 Bhatti decision postponed again The decision on whether Arfan Bhatti can be extradited from Pakistan to Norway has been postponed again. Now the court says that the decision will come on 8 January. Arfan Bhatti is charged with complicity in serious terrorism after the attack in Rosenkrantz’ gate in Oslo on 25 June 2022, where two people were shot and killed by Zaniar Matapour. Bhatti denies having anything to do with the shooting. The trial against Zaniar Matapour is due to start in March. He is charged with a serious act of terrorism, which carries a penalty of 30 years. Bhatti is one of four other accused in the case. The Norwegian-Pakistani Islamist has been in Pakistan since before the attack took place, and was internationally wanted a few months after the attack. Since this spring, the police have tried to have him extradited from the country, and the case has been dealt with in many court hearings in Islamabad over the past year. Bhatti’s defender Zia Ur Rehman has previously told news that they will appeal if the extradition decision is found to be valid.
