Better training is promised to counteract the influence of porn – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Yesterday, news reported that the rape center in Oslo had 748 rape victims last year. That is an increase of 70 per cent in ten years. The trend is the same throughout the country. High school students are calling for more sex education, and believe it is important because so many people watch porn. – We did a survey among students at Ullern, where 100 students answered anonymously. 38 per cent answered that they had been subjected to serious abuse. It is quite rough and serious, says Ingeborg Louise Langmoen. Many in the survey answered that they were afraid of being raped, or did not dare to say no because the boys are so much stronger. – I am simply a little shaken. I didn’t expect such big numbers, quite simply, says Erik Skindlo (18). Say they process trauma with drugs Pupils who say they are exposed to abuse answer in the survey that they use drugs daily to process the events instead of seeking help. – Everything from alcohol to drugs to process trauma. It is very taboo to admit that you have been the victim of abuse, says Frøya Fuglesteg Thorheim. WANT MORE SEXUAL EDUCATION: Frøya Fuglesteg Thorheim and Pia Cecilie Harm at Ullern vgs. Photo: Hallgeir Aunan / news Pia Cecilie Harm says they received some sex education at secondary school, but that it is important to repeat. – Drugs must be included in sex education, and it cannot be taken for granted that young people know how to have intercourse with the porn culture and drug culture that exists today, she believes. Health nurses on the school desk Health nurses all over the country must be trained to ensure better sex education in schools. The large increase in rape among young people is worrying. – There is a lot of pressure in social media and not least in reality series, which means that sexuality among young people becomes very normalised. And porn plays an important role, says Tone Bjørnson Aanderaa. She is a health nurse and works at the health center for gender and sexuality. TEACHING HEALTHCARE NURSES: Tone Bjørnson Andersen is a health care nurse and specialist in sexological counseling in Oslo municipality. In collaboration with the Directorate of Health, she leads a teaching program where health nurses learn about harmful, problematic sexual behaviour. They must gain knowledge to prevent sexual abuse and, not least, promote positive sexuality. – It’s about getting to know yourself and your own body before you share it with others. Young people must become aware of what they themselves want and do not want. If you do not know yourself, it is difficult to convey what you want to others. – People must behave More teaching is welcomed by the boys. – I think we need to talk more about it. Parents have to talk more with their children and we can have lectures at school, says Sondre Høien Andersen (17). Erik Skindlo says young people should learn more about how to interpret signals and what consent really is. THINK MORE SHOULD TALK ABOUT IT: Sondre Høien Andersen, Erik Skindlo and Anders H. Simonsen at Ullern vgs. Photo: Hallgeir Aunan / news – And then I think we have to start teaching earlier than you think. There are many young people who are sexually active and don’t quite know what they are doing, says Skindlo. Anders H. Simonsen believes that it is wise to learn more about what consent is, but that one must also expect more from the individual. He also believes that it is about attitudes that you bring with you from home. – People have to behave. Everyone knows that rape is wrong, he says. Many health problems Tone Bjørnson Aanderaa says there is great variation in the consequences for the individual of having been exposed to abuse. But she has a long list of health consequences that young people experience after abuse. Struggling at school, experiencing anxiety, a creeping depression, sleep and concentration difficulties, isolating themselves and struggling with food, are some of the problems young people talk about. – We need to talk more with young people about sexuality, and it’s high time something systematic is done, believes Aanderaa THINKS PORN CULTURE IS DESTROYING: Ingeborg Louise Langmoen (left), Pia Cecilie Harm and Frøya Fuglesteg Thorheim (lying) at Ullern high school. Photo: Hallgeir Aunan / news The results from the local survey in Ullern also showed that many are struggling after abuse, – There must be a change in attitude, with less focus on fucking. One must learn what it is to cross the line; what is rape and what is consent. You have to learn body language and that a no is a no, says Frøya Fuglesteg Thorheim.
