Bernt Hulsker is sentenced to a suspended prison sentence – Latest news – news

13 October 2022 at 12:03 Bernt Hulsker is sentenced to a suspended prison term Bernt Hulsker (45) was charged with hate speech and reckless behaviour. Now he is sentenced to suspended prison for 18 days, as well as a fine of NOK 15,000. According to the indictment, he is said to have said “damn negro” and “how can you ask a white man to go out” or similar in connection with being asked to leave a karaoke bar he was at after a VGTV Christmas party. Prosecutor Marianne Aune asked for suspended prison for 24 days with a probationary period of two years, and a fine of NOK 15,000. Hulsker’s defender, Bernt Christian Birkeland, thought Hulsker should be acquitted.
