Bernt Hulsker is sentenced to a suspended prison sentence for hate speech – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Bernt Hulsker (45) was charged with hate speech and reckless behaviour. Now he is sentenced to suspended prison for 18 days, as well as a fine of NOK 15,000, according to the recent judgment from the Oslo district court. According to the indictment, he allegedly said “damn nigger” and “how can you ask a white man to go out” or similar to a doorman in connection with being asked to leave a karaoke bar he was at after a VGTV Christmas party . “A doorman who performs his job should not have to endure such a gross underestimation and compilation of a kind of historical rank according to skin color, because of his ethnic origin and skin color,” the judgment says. “That it was actually perceived and behaved this way is also evident from the reaction of both the aggrieved party, who was very upset, and the defendant’s rather immediate and subsequent apology”, it continues. Prosecutor Marianne Aune asked for suspended prison for 24 days with a probationary period of two years, and a fine of NOK 15,000. Hulsker’s defender, Bernt Christian Birkeland, thought Hulsker should be acquitted. Hulsker lost his job at VGTV, his agent and other engagements after the case became known in the media. The statements are said to have been made at the karaoke bar Syng Mer in the center of Oslo. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB In court, he explained that he had used the word “negro” when the doorman Jwan Rasho tried to throw him out of the bar because he was too drunk. However, he did not think this was aimed at Rasho. Rasho, who is offended in the case, believes that Hulsker said what is stated in the indictment. He perceived that what Hulsker said was aimed at him. Several of Hulsker’s former colleagues, his former boss and a bar guest explained in court about Hulsker’s statements. All those who explained themselves have different perceptions of what Hulsker said. The views were also different from Hulsker’s explanation, as well as the explanation of the aggrieved Jwan Rasho. One colleague remembers Hulsker saying “I got kicked out, I’m a nigger”, while another remembers him saying “are you going to tell the white man what to do”. The bar guest thought he said the “damn n-word”.
