Bernt Hulsker is back on stage after the racism verdict – news Møre og Romsdal – Local news, TV and radio

On 13 October, Hulsker was sentenced to 18 days in prison on terms of hate speech against a doorman at a bar in Oslo. He also had to pay a fine of NOK 15,000 in addition to the court costs. On 17 December, Hulsker and Rosenborg coach Kjetil Rekdal will be on stage in Idahall in Tomrefjord for a pre-Christmas show about football. It will be Hulsker’s first time on stage since he disappeared from the limelight last year, writes Romsdal’s Budstikke. Hulsker and Rekdal were actually supposed to have the presentation in 2021, but it was postponed due to the pandemic. – What he has said and done is completely stupid, of course. So I think everyone throughout life has said stupid things, Rekdal told Aftenposten about the matter. Different perceptions of the incident Hulsker did not appeal the verdict that was handed down in the Oslo district court earlier this autumn. – My client is primarily happy that the court has believed that he had no racist intent. He can live with the fact that the court believes he acted grossly recklessly, and that he did not act intentionally, with knowledge and will, as the prosecution argued, Hulsker’s lawyer Bernt Christian Birkeland told news. According to the indictment, Hulsker is said to have said “damn negro” and “how can you ask a white man to go out” or the like to a doorman when he was asked to leave a karaoke bar he was at after a VGTV Christmas party. The judges in the case disagreed with each other about whether Hulsker made the statement with intent, meaning that he did it on purpose and understood what he was doing. At the same time, everyone agreed that the report was highly objectionable and racist. With that, Hulsker was convicted of being grossly negligent, but not that the actions were intentional. Several of the witnesses who spoke in court had different views of what happened – different from both Hulsker’s and the offended doorman’s explanations. Hulsker will return to the stage with Kjetil Rekdal to talk about football. Here from an earlier vision. Photo: Leif Dalen / news – Not a comeback – This is not a comeback, but last year’s postponed Christmas show that we promise to come back with this year. That is what we are now doing. I am looking forward to a pleasant pre-Christmas evening at home in Vestnes, writes Hulsker in an SMS to Romsdal’s Budstikke. news has not been able to get in touch with Hulsker on Monday.
