Berit Kjøll attacks on Johann Olav Koss play – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– These claims fall on their own unreasonableness. That’s what Berit Kjøll says to news after reading Johann Olav Koss’ harsh criticism of the top management in Norwegian sports. The former skating hero doesn’t skimp on the gunpowder in an article published on Friday evening. The main message is the many challenges in Norwegian children’s and grassroots sports, but he also points to the problems in the top management of Norwegian sports. – It is time to change the focus from results, internal disputes and power struggles, to the cultivation of important values ​​such as fair play, joy and development, reads parts of the text. OTHER TIMES: Koss and Kjøll during the Sports Council in 2019. Then they were elected to the presidency together. Photo: Geir Olsen / NTB The 54-year-old himself sat on the sports board under the current president’s leadership. In March 2021, however, it became known that he resigned. Family reasons were given as the reason. In the chronicle, he writes about “a sports management that gets newspaper headlines because of power struggles, public laundry and other behavior that does not build trust”, but he clarifies to news that the criticism is not personal towards Kjøll. – The criticism in the chronicle is not aimed at an individual, and it is important to me that this is not perceived as a personal conflict. Totally disagree with Koss Kjøll in any case completely distance himself from the way the sports management is described. – Throughout my parliamentary term, the sports board’s focus has been on measures that will contribute to living up to our vision “sporting joy for all”, Kjøll replies, referring to the speech she gave when she opened the ongoing Sports Parliament on Friday morning. There she said, among other things, that management is also about standing firm in challenging times, and that this is something the sports board has come to know especially in recent months. – It has been particularly challenging to handle a demanding notification case which has taken time, created unrest and disagreement in the sports board. I apologize for the scale of the costs and the reputational damage this has caused Norwegian sports, said Kjøll from the podium. SPORTS PRESIDENT: Berit Kjøll. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB Because there has been a lot of noise and many negative reports about the Norwegian Sports Confederation in the run-up to the Sports Council. Millions of expenses due to “misunderstandings”, conflicts within the board, a war of words between Kjøll and an news commentator and an admission of having spoken untruths have created headlines on a continuous basis. – There are several reasons Despite the many reports, Kjøll strongly disagrees with Koss that the negative attention is a sign of worrying developments for Norwegian sport. – The negative media attention that has been directed at me as chairman of the board, and the sports board more recently, has several reasons which I have also commented on on a number of occasions in recent weeks, Kjøll replies. – At the same time, it is my task to convey all the good work that goes into Norwegian sports every single day, to ensure that all children and young people who want to participate in sports, have the opportunity to do so – regardless of finances and other thresholds for participation, she adds. Koss believes that parts of Norwegian sports management spend their time on completely different things than that sports should be for everyone. SKATING HERO: Johann Olav Koss. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB – Many are most focused on who will decide, power struggles, increased incomes. It should not be the most important thing for Norwegian sports leaders, he says. – It seems that Norwegian sports management has a philosophy of protection, instead of a philosophy of development. They want to protect their position and their territory, and if someone goes a slightly different way, their wings will be clipped, elaborates the former skater. Many will be involved This weekend, representatives from Norway’s special confederations, sports circles, athletes’ committee and the sports board will be in Bergen to participate in the Sports Council. Several of the points Koss brings up in his chronicle are discussed there, especially the economic aspect. – The aim was to highlight the challenges of sport, and to shed light on how things are connected. The increasing focus on results contributes to more equipment. Prices go up, volunteering goes down, and that has major consequences. We lose a lot of talent by focusing too early, and we make the sport not for everyone. That not everyone has a place, he explains about the background for the chronicle. OLYMPIC CHAMPION: Koss during the Olympics in Lillehammer, where he won three golds. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB Koss says that the commitment comes not only from the fact that he is an Olympic champion, but also from the fact that he is a father. – It must be more important to get many people involved, than that a few come to the national team, believes the former ice skater. PS: On Sunday, the sports president will be elected for the next four years. Both Kjøll and Zaineb Al-Samarai are standing for election.
