Bergen municipality has uncovered a serious technical error in the portal for reporting concerns – news Vestland

In a press release, the municipality writes that they have discovered a serious technical error concerning the transmission of concern reports between the supplier system and the National portal for concern reports. The national portal for reporting concerns is operated by KS. Visma is the supplier of the system. The error is not isolated to Bergen municipality, and could potentially apply to many Norwegian municipalities, the press release states. The municipality is now calling for a press conference at 10 a.m. on Monday. Visma: – Can apply to 244 municipalities Communications worker Lage Bøhren in Visma says it is their system that the error applies to. – There is a professional system called “Familia”, which the children’s welfare service uses in various municipalities. There are 244 municipalities that use that version of the system, he says. He will not say anything about when the error was discovered, whether the error has led to the leakage of sensitive information or how many people may be affected. – We will provide more information about the case in a press release at 10 o’clock, he replies. The Norwegian Data Protection Authority confirms to news that they have been informed about the matter. They received a notice of deviation from Bergen municipality in May, says communications director Janne Stang Dahl to news. The national portal for reports of concern is a website where people can report reports of concern about children. Photo: Screen dump Reports of concern about children The system that has now been found to be faulty is a digital service for sending reports of concern to child protection. On the website of the Norwegian Directorate of Children, Youth and Families, you can submit digital messages about children you are concerned about. “If you are concerned about whether a child is receiving good enough care, you should send a report of concern to the child welfare services. You don’t have to be sure that something is wrong to report it,” the website says. “We recommend that you use a digital report of concern for safe registration with the child protection service.”, it continues. Visma first stated that the error could apply to 300 municipalities. They have now corrected the figure to apply to 244 municipalities.
