Bengt celebrates Christmas alone on the plain – someone is envious of him – news Troms and Finnmark

– There will be extra good food today, and then I will enjoy myself with the dogs, says Barstad. On the night of Christmas Eve, the thermometer showed minus thirty. The lutefish must be thawed before the Christmas Eve dinner is ready. – Now it’s only 15-16 degrees below zero. It is quiet and peaceful, and very nice on the fjord, says Barstad. He is used to a traditional Christmas with his family. This year, the Christmas atmosphere has not been intrusive. The Christmas dinner was deep-frozen on Christmas Eve morning, during the afternoon the Christmas food should be ready. Photo: Bengt-Are Barstad – It will be a quiet and nice celebration. The dogs will get some extra good food, and then I will spend half the afternoon thawing and finishing the lute fish, says Barstad. Envious South Pole traveler Celebrating Christmas alone in this way must be a great experience. Børge Ousland reminisces about the Christmas dinner on the way over Antarctica in 1996, when he talks to Bengt-Are Barstad and presenter Morten Hopkins Kræmer on Helgemorgen. – I know I’m envious, says Ousland. He celebrates Christmas at Nesodden this year, but has a number of Christmas celebrations in tents behind him. The two adventurers agree that such a Christmas has some nice things about it. Børge Ousland at the South Pole, a few days before Christmas Eve in 1996. Photo: OUSLAND EXPEDITION / NTB – When I went to the South Pole, I had freeze-dried pork chops with me. This makes you extra happy when Christmas is celebrated far from people, completely alone, says Ousland. According to Barstad, several things happen to the head and body. – I get into a completely different, almost meditative, state. But I’m not completely alone, I can have a nice chat with the dogs I have with me, says Barstad. – What answers do you get if you ask them something? – It varies a lot, but we mostly agree on most things, says Barstad. Christmas Eve not the most important day Børge Ousland says that being away from the family can also be good. – Then I miss the family a little more, and I think that’s a good thing. We are not used to being alone, but I would recommend that. The experiences you get are different in a positive way, says Ousland. The adventurer assures that he has someone to talk to. – We mostly agree on most things, says Bengt-Are Barstad. Photo: Bengt-Are Barstad Barstad thinks it’s a bit painful to celebrate Christmas without the family. – I am used to traditional Christmas celebrations with the family, and so are my children, says Barstad. But Christmas has become less and less important to me. Out here in nature, the most important day is December 21. Then the sun turns, and it moves towards brighter times, says Barstad.
