Believes the helicopter is at a depth of 300 meters – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

29 February 2024 at 10:45 Believes the helicopter is at a depth of 300 meters Head of the National Accident Investigation Board for Aviation Kåre Halvorsen says they believe the wreckage of the helicopter is at a depth of 300 metres. – If it is located approximately where we think it is, then we are quickly talking about 300 metres. The weather is currently too bad for the wreck to be raised, but work is now being done on how this can happen. – We do not know whether it will take a short time or a long time to raise the helicopter. Halvorsen says it is important to get the helicopter raised because there is also the black box with data about what happened before and during the accident. The box also sends a signal that makes it possible to locate the wreck.
