Believes dead person has a doctor in a tent for over a year – has found passports and foodstuffs – news Vestland

On Sunday, the police received a report that a dead person had been found in a tent at Sandsli, south of Bergen. – There were hikers who brought dogs with them. The one dog reacted to the tent, and the hiker checked the tent, says police attorney Eli Andrea Skaar in the West police district. The body that was found in the tent was in a very bad condition. The police do not know who it is that has been found. Nor can they say for sure whether it is a man or a woman they have found. – Why is the identification work so difficult? – It is because of the condition of the body. It indicates that there has been a doctor there for over a year, says Skaar. Crime scene technicians started the investigations on Sunday. Photo: Lars Chr Wallace / news Have found passports and foodstuffs The tent was standing when the police checked it. Among other things, foodstuffs and a passport have been found in the tent. – Dated foodstuffs have been found. It helps to say something about how long the body has been lying there, says Skaar. The passport that was found in the tent is a Norwegian passport, says the police attorney. The person who owns or has owned the passport has not been reported missing, she says. – It is probably the person on the passport who has been found, but it is not certain, says Skaar. The police have tried to get in touch with the passport’s owner. – Has something criminal happened? – There is nothing to indicate that, says Skaar. The body will be autopsied, but the police attorney says she has not been told exactly when that will be. – It will be done within a couple of days, she says. A funeral home was also called to the city on Sunday. Photo: Lars Chr. Wallace / news
