– Begins to write texts and become more concrete, says union. – Latest news – news

July 3, 2022 at 17:59 Hope to avoid SAS strike: – Begins to write texts and become more concrete, says union. – Yesterday and today is the first time that we see something concrete from SAS that indicates that there may be a solution, says chairman of the Danish pilot association, Henrik Thyregod. The Danish pilot association is part of SAS’s pilot crew. The preliminary deadline for the negotiations expires on Monday at 12. – SAS has become more concrete late yesterday and today. Now we start writing texts and becoming more concrete, he adds. Tenant of SAS Norway’s pilot association in Parat, Jan Levi Skogvang, says it is a good development. – There is good drive in the conversations and good development. We write texts and it gets easier when we see things in writing. Now things are going a little further away, he says.
