Battle for the strategic cities of Soledar and Bakhmut – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– After a failed attempt to take over Soledar, the enemy has regrouped, changed tactics and started a new, intensive attack, writes Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Maliar in Ukraine on Telegram. According to the deputy defense minister, the attack on the town of Soledar will be led by the Russian private army force Wagner. Intensive fighting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke on Monday. He claimed that the situation was difficult, but that Ukraine still had control over both Soledar and Bakhmut. The British Defense Forces reported on Tuesday that Russia probably has control over large parts of the small town of Soledar in eastern Ukraine. Great devastation after a Russian attack in Bakhmut. Photo: STRINGER / Reuters Several people believe that the cities are important for gaining control over the Donbas region. This is where the most intensive battles of the war have taken place in recent weeks. Strategic cities The city of Soledar lies northeast of Bakhmut. The new advance towards Soledar may mean that the Russians are now in a better position to attack Bakhmut, says chief researcher Kristian Åtland at the Norwegian Defense Research Institute (FFI). Kristian Åtland believes the advance in Soledar may make it easier for the Russians to attack Bakhmut. The British Ministry of Defense writes that the capture of Soledar is probably part of the attempt to attack Bakhmut from the north and disrupt the Ukrainian lines of communication. The cities are referred to as strategically important. If the Russian forces gain control over these, it will make it easier to advance towards the larger cities of Kramatorsk and Sloviansk. – Both Bakhmut and Soledar are mining towns with a large underground network of shafts and tunnels. From what I understand, this infrastructure can also be used to accommodate military personnel and material, including tanks and armored vehicles, says Kristian Åtland. Researcher at the University of Defense, Geir Hågen Karlsen, still does not think that the cities are as important in the big picture. He does not think they will be decisive for how the war develops. Geir Hågen Karlsen does not think the cities are particularly strategically important. Photo: Even Bjøringsøy Johnsen / news – They are what we call “tactically interesting” in military terms. They are still not decisive for the war in any way. The Wagner Group The controversial Russian organization the Wagner Group is said to be behind the warfare. The group is said to have picked up several mercenaries from prison, and has previously recruited mercenaries from Syria to fight in Ukraine. Russia has put a lot of prestige into taking back, among other things, Bakhmut, says Geir Hågen Karlsen. – There is probably prestige on several levels, both in the management of the Wagner group who are trying to take a more political role and profile themselves. It is of course also prestige for the Kremlin, which wishes to have a victory to show for it, he explains. Who is actually behind the private shadow army? Russia has suffered heavy losses Attacks on the cities have resulted in heavy Russian losses. – The Russians have paid a very high price for them. They have lost a lot of people to take these small and unimportant areas, says Geir Hågen Karlsen. The small town of Soledar lies northeast of Bakhmut. Black smoke after Russian attacks on the city. Photo: Roman Chop / AP Åtland at FFI also says that the Russians have lost large amounts of personnel in this area. – Not only Wagner soldiers, but also recently mobilized reservists and soldiers who have been transferred from Kherson after the withdrawal from there in November, he says. Åtland believes that the ongoing Russian attacks against Bakhmut must be seen in connection with Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin’s personal political ambitions. – He would like the Wagner group to have a triumph on the battlefield, whatever the cost.
