“Barisbrevik” goes to war against the Norwegian Lottery Authority – news Culture and entertainment

Is it allowed to live stream that you play money games on a foreign account? The Norwegian Lottery Authority says no. But influencer Sebastian Brevik, known as “Barisbrevik”, believes that the collaboration with the website Schpell is completely inside. On Schpell’s Twitch account, Brevik, together with fellow influencer Henrik Viken, filmed them playing gambling games. In January, the Swedish Lottery Authority decided that what the companies are doing is illegal. Brevik has now got a lawyer and a parliamentary party on the team, and will appeal the decision. Schpell, which Brevik is rooting for, is based in Croatia. Photo: Screenshot Continues to stream Brevik is still live streaming that he plays gambling on Schpell’s profile. – Why do you continue to break the law? – Because I believe that I am not breaking the law. I stream in English for an international company on an international platform for an international audience. The influencer also points out that he does not advertise for Schpell on his own platforms. He believes that he is being treated differently, and points out that many who do the same get away cheaper: – If you look at the Premier League, which half of Norway does, a great many of the Norwegian players walk around with betting advertisements on their chests, says Brevik. – Must follow Norwegian law like everyone else Monica Alisøy Kjelsnes is a senior legal adviser at the Swedish Lottery Authority. She maintains that Schpell and the Norwegian influencers are breaking the Gambling Act, by marketing to a Norwegian audience. – But the company is Croatian, and Brevik speaks in English when he streams…? – The fact that they use the English language does not mean that the marketing is not aimed at Norway. It is, among other things, the use of Norwegian influencers that means that we consider the marketing to be aimed at the Norwegian market, says Kjelsnes. – They must follow Norwegian law like everyone else, says Monica Alisøy Kjelsnes about the influencers. Photo: Dagrun Reiakvam – Why is this illegal when Norwegian players can use betting advertisements in the Premier League? – The difference is that they are located abroad and that their marketing is not aimed specifically at the Norwegian market, she says of the footballers. – Public gap stick On Wednesday, the Progress Party took the matter up for discussion in the Storting. – We ask a question whether it is a persecution of individuals to set examples to defend their own gambling monopoly, explains Silje Hjemdal (Frp). She contacted Brevik because she thought he was hanging out. – He has been put on a public leash, Hjemdal believes. The Norwegian Lottery Authority does not agree that they hang individuals out. – We find it difficult to see that this is a personal attack, as we have sent the decision to the companies behind the business, says Kjelsnes of the Norwegian Lottery Authority. It is the companies Baris Entertainment AS, Viken Underholdning AS and the company behind Schpell, Tiergarten Marketing AS, that have received the decision. – I believe that the proceedings have not been good. Inferences have been drawn against Sebastian Brevik that are not correct, says Brevik’s lawyer Tor Henning Rustan Knudsen. They will appeal the decision on Monday.
