Barely a majority for continuing with Kinn municipality – news Vestland

What was the dream of a strong coastal municipality has, since the municipal amalgamation in 2020, faced many setbacks. After the Center Party came into government, opponents have gained wind in their sails. Now the people have had their say: 48.52 percent want to divide Kinn into the original municipalities. 49.14 per cent want the municipality to continue as a municipality. 2.34 percent have voted blankly. The result is so close that the electoral board wants a fine count. There was only a difference of 44 votes for and against continuing with the municipality. – There needs to be some fine-tuning since the result is so close, says municipal director Øyvind Bang-Olsen. Mayor of Kinn, Ola Teigen (Ap), believes the result shows that the municipality is divided, also on the question of a reversal. – It was as close and exciting as many feared and predicted in advance. It is clear that the municipality is almost divided down the middle in the advice to the politicians whether Kinn should continue or not, Teigen tells news. 53 percent of the inhabitants have voted in the referendum. Plural to divide Vågsøy Old Flora municipality and old Vågsøy municipality were combined into one municipality in 2020: Kinn. The resistance has been strongest in Vågsøy. The votes in the north show that a clear majority (58 per cent) will dissolve the municipality. It is much the same as the referendum in 2018 saw. Then 6 out of 10 of the residents said no to amalgamation. A few days later, the municipal council voted for amalgamation – and the municipality of Kinn was left. Fredrik Egeberg, who has gathered for a vigil in Måløy, wants that not to happen again. – Now we have to dissolve the municipality. We must not drive over the population one more time. It has only become war and strife. Now it is time for the people to be heard, says Egeberg. Fredrik Egeberg is a strong opponent of Kinn municipality. Noko T-shirt underlines. Photo: Seline Larsen / news – Difficult But what will happen to the much-discussed municipality is still uncertain. Will the large majority in Vågsøy, which has half as many residents as Flora, cause the municipality to be dissolved? In a week, the municipal council will meet and make its decision. – It is difficult. No one has actually gotten a majority. It is less than 50 percent on the yes and no side. The council is not particularly clear in any case, says mayor of Kinn, Ola Teigen. Key dates for the future of Kinn On 7 September, the municipal council will make its decision. On 12 September, the State Trustee will make his recommendation. – The most important thing is that old Vågsøy and old Flora find out what is best for their local communities for the future, said Minister for Municipalities and Districts, Sigbjørn Gjelsvik (Sp) to news at the beginning of August. If it is decided that the municipality is to be split up, it will only happen on 1 January 2024. There has been a great deal of commitment about the future of Kinn municipality. Photo: Fredrik Johan Helland / news
