Bank handed out free tickets to Karpe – now they end up on the black market – news Troms and Finnmark

– Some people took out an awful lot of tickets. That was never the intention, says communications director Stein Vidar Loftås at Sparebank 1 Nord-Norge. On 24 September, the artists Karpe, Dagny, ISÁK and RSP & Thomax will be on stage in front of an audience of 20,000 in the center of Tromsø. The concert is free, but now it can instead put money in the pockets of black market sharks. Because when the free tickets for Glød were posted on Friday, something went wrong. In the bank’s comment section, people are furious: What a wretched scheme!!!! I was no. 2345 in the queue, and with 2 tickets per pers, the ticket was supposed to be 4690 before my trip…but then it was sold out????? Thinks Sparebank1 Nord-Norge has embarrassed themselves with this ticket system, it was nothing but a “Glødende cursed” Many had looked forward to experiencing Karpe in Tromsø. But the 20,000 tickets were snapped up in a short time, and several of them are now being sold. Photo: JOHN-ANDRE SAMUELSEN / news That the bank operates as an organizer of a concert at all has received criticism from several quarters. The release of 20,000 tickets was not supposed to be until Friday morning, but then the system collapsed. On Friday at 6 p.m. it reopened, and many thousands of people were left in a digital queue, only to learn that they did not get through in time. Attempted trading on the black market Loftås understands that many are disappointed. The bank had set a maximum limit of two tickets per purchase. Nevertheless, it was technically possible to order more. – We see that some people have bought up to 50 tickets, says Loftås. The bank has both seen and received reports that tickets for the concert have been tried to be sold on the black market. Loftås reminds that black market sales are illegal. – In hindsight, we see that there are a number of things we could have been better at, but we did the best we could. And we thought we had created a system that would do what we wanted to achieve. Free tickets for the concert Glød in Tromsø are being sold online. Photo: Privat Feels cheated Red politician Jens Ingvald Olsen is one of those who criticize the ticket system for the free concert. – Many people feel cheated. That there was no technical obstacle to getting more than two tickets out, I cannot understand. This did not work at all, he says. On, there are around twenty advertisements where people are now asking to buy tickets. Some are willing to pay NOK 1,000. news has spoken to a person who was offered a ticket for NOK 1,200. Tromsø artist Dagny is one of the artists performing at the concert on 24 September. Photo: Tom Øverlie / news In the Act on the prohibition of price mark-ups for the resale of tickets for cultural and sports events, it is stated: “It is forbidden to sell tickets for cultural and sports events at a higher price than the price shown on the ticket by the organiser, or for which the ticket was first sold.” Lawyer Bjørn Halvor Wikasteen believes the bank failed when it did not charge for the tickets. Now the tickets can be sold, without coming under the so-called black market law. Photo: news – Not obviously illegal There it is also stated that anyone who buys tickets more expensive than originally can demand money back from the seller. In this case, we are talking about free tickets and not resale in that sense. Bjørn Halvor Wikasteen is a lawyer in Tromsø. He believes it is not obvious that the sale taking place is illegal. – If the bank had taken one krone in the first stage, it would have secured itself against resale. The law would then have come into force. Selling a gift is a moral issue, but what is happening now is not affected by the wording of the law. Violation of the Black Market Act in Norway also does not result in any criminal sanction. In Denmark, you can be fined if you engage in resale.
