Bank employees arrested in large police operation in Oslo – NRK Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

More than 50 police officers took part in the extensive operation. The background is an investigation that was initiated after Nordea submitted a review in February this year. – Five people are charged with gross corruption or complicity in this, says police attorney Kristin Rusdal to NRK. – It is a question of having applied for a loan on the basis of documentation that has been manipulated or falsified. Two of the five accused are employees of Nordea. – It should have taken place since early 2018, and according to Nordea, loans totaling approximately NOK 150 million have been disbursed. The accused will now be questioned, but will not be produced for custody today, according to Rusdal. It was VG who first mentioned the case. Police lawyer Kristin Rusdal. Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTBPhoto: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB Two bank employees arrested It was just over eight o’clock that plainclothes police began searching the workplaces of several Nordea employees at Majorstua. – This is happening on the basis of conditions that have been uncovered internally, and which meant that earlier this year we went to the police to report the findings that have been made. This is what communications director Christian Steffensen at Nordea says. – These are conditions that may indicate a breach of the rules and are related to lending money. Communications Director Christian Steffensen in Nordea Norway. Photo: Kristin Granbo / NRK Photo: Kristin Granbo / NRK Steffensen will not comment on whether they suspect that more bank employees are involved. – Where did the two work? – What we can say is that they worked within a part of the business that has worked with lending money. Rusdal will not say anything about the three others who have been arrested and charged. Neighbors confirm to NRK that the police acted against a private address in Greenland at seven o’clock Tuesday morning. Photo: Sverre Holm-Nilsen / NRK Interrogated The accused have been appointed the following defenders: Carl Rieber Mohn, Ola Lunde, Annette Barlinn, Solveig Høgtun and Christian Flemmen. Several of them inform NRK that they are being questioned. Flemmen tells NRK that he is assisting one of the Nordea employees. At the time of writing, we are working to get an overview of the case and the accusations against my client. I reckon we will get a better overview soon. Beyond that, it is difficult to comment on the case at this time. – Zero tolerance Steffensen says they take the matter very seriously. – Nordea has zero tolerance for breaches of the rules, and is now taking all the necessary steps towards the two employees. Initially, they are suspended. NRK has been in contact with Økokrim, which will not comment on whether they are involved in the case. Two of the five charged are bank employees at Nordea. Photo: Kristin Granbo / NRK
