Bank clerk accused of embezzlement charged with two new matters

This is reported by Adresseavisen. Police prosecutor Ole Andreas Aftret at the Trøndelag police district has sent his recommendations for prosecution to the state prosecutor. – I have also sent a proposal for prosecution in relation to two cases of fraud. We believe the accused has misused his former partner’s BankID and taken out unsecured credit in her name. He is also said to have borrowed money from her which he has said he will repay, but that has never happened, he tells the newspaper. The former partner is said to have lost between NOK 300,000 and 400,000. – It is of course a significant amount for the young woman, says lawyer Kolbjørn Lium to Adressa. Around 50 million have been lost It was in January this year that the man was arrested and charged with gross embezzlement and money laundering. He is said to have embezzled just under NOK 75 million while working as a temporary worker at the bank. In general, the embezzlement must have been carried out by the target having used their access to the bank’s systems to embezzle the bank’s funds. Much of the embezzlement has been used in investment funds in Germany. – With a small caveat, around NOK 50 million appears to have been lost related to the investments in Germany, said the head of Økokrim, Pål Lønseth, in January. The police have secured a little over NOK 15 million in total. Wanted to check if he was caught The accused man has explained that he wanted to test what happened if he embezzled, according to the man’s defender Christian Wiig. – He was prepared to be caught the day after the first embezzlement, and when he wasn’t, he just continued, Wiig said in January. After losing money in investments, he would continue the embezzlement and investments to earn back the money for the bank. Wiig did not want to say anything about the reason why the man wanted the money in the first place.
