Bane Nor wants more visible police in Oslo S after stabbings – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

Last week, three young people were stabbed at Oslo Central Station. On Wednesday, two 17-year-olds were stabbed. One of them was seriously injured. Only two days later, a 17-year-old boy was injured after a stabbing at the same place. – It is worrying when there are serious incidents of violence that happen in and around our stations, says Knut Øyvind Ruud Johansen, director of stations in Bane Nor. No more unsafe than other places Oslo S is one of the busiest places in the country. 150,000 people stop by every day. Knut Øyvind Ruud Johansen, director of stations in Bane Nor. Photo: Sune Eriksen – It’s a small micro Norway. There are people of all types, and a lot of things will necessarily happen in a place like that, says Johansen. He believes it is safe to move Oslo S. – It is extremely rare for a third party to be directly involved in these incidents. It is usually between separate environments in the city. He says it is no more unsafe in Oslo S than many other places where there are many people. – Perhaps rather the opposite because we have a good guard and partly good monitoring. Want more visible police According to the Bane Nor boss, days can go by without seeing visible police at the station. – We want more visible police in and around Oslo S as a preventive measure. He believes this will have an effect. That people will not engage in violence if they see uniformed police present. The Outdoor Section also wants more police on Oslo S. As a matter of priority, the Oslo police will not answer how often they currently patrol Oslo S in uniform as a preventive measure. Joakim Dyrdal of the Oslo police, says Oslo S is a priority area for the police. Joakim Dyrdal is acting head of the center unit in the Oslo police. Photo: Johan Moen / news – We have for periods, and most recently early last week, prioritized increased visible presence in the area around Oslo S. He says that they are also visibly present in the aftermath of serious incidents. But also that it is about staffing. – At the same time, our presence will depend on the resource situation, and which planned or emerging events we must also prioritise. He says the Oslo police work actively to prevent and avert such incidents, but that this is not something the police can solve alone. – Parents have an important responsibility in following what their children are doing. We also work well with other actors such as the district, the municipality, the guard and security industry and voluntary organisations. Trying to prevent Bane Nor has regular meetings with the Oslo police. They think the collaboration is good. Especially when there are incidents like the stabbings last week. Surveillance video from the station can quickly help identify possible perpetrators. Bane Nor also has meetings with the Outdoor Section and the child protection watchdog. And they also collaborate with the Church’s City Mission, which is present at the station. – The reason is that we must try to prevent serious situations such as this. Putting in more guards It’s getting close to Christmas. It is also a holiday for the railway. A time with many people at the station. Bane Nor says they will now deploy more guards and better monitoring. – We will not necessarily be able to prevent serious incidents of violence, but we will be able to monitor better, strengthen those who sit and watch on cameras and take films. Hi Did you get any thoughts when you read this article, or do you have any tips for other things I should look into? Feel free to send me an email! I treat all information confidentially. Feel free to contact me!
