Bakervik (Ap) opens up for light rail talks with Høyre – news Vestland

25 September 2023 at 15:29 Bakervik (Ap) opens up for light rail talks with Conservative City Council leader in Bergen, Rune Bakervik (Ap), opens up for talks with Conservative Party and the party’s city council leader candidate Christine Meyer. The Labor Party justifies this with an attempt to save the Bybanen. The Labor Party confirms this to news. In an SMS, Bakervik nevertheless comes out harshly against his rival candidate for the post of city council leader: – If there is one thing the days since the election have taught me, it is that Meyer is erratic and lacks control. – If my eventual departure can save Bybanen, I am today, as I was last week, willing to discuss it with Meyer: I have communicated this to her several times, but she has not been interested. It was BT who first reported the case.
