– Backwards into the future – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– Goodbye Sbanken. You have been good for a long time. But after the vulture has supplied itself, you stand back with a rib. That’s what Christian Jahr writes in the Facebook group Sbanken kundeflukt. – With this acquisition, DNB has managed to create a banking concept that goes backwards into the future, he says to news. He has been a Sbanken customer since 2000. Today was enough. After 24 years, he is leaving the bank for good. – Sbanken managed to be a bank that could be used for everything for a long time. It is no longer like that. Jahr created the Facebook group in protest when DNB first submitted a bid for Sbanken in 2021. Today, the group is primarily used to share experiences when it comes to switching from Sbanken to other banks. During the last 24 hours, the open group has received around 2,600 new members. In total, the group now has over 17,000 members. – It’s quite crazy, says Jahr. news has presented the criticism that appears in this article to DNB. They believe that commitment is good, but say that there are some misunderstandings about the changes. See their answer further down in the case. SWITCHED BANK: Christian Jahr has moved most of his banking activities to Bulder Bank. Many others have also done so in recent days. Photo: Privat Raser in social media For Jahr, saying goodbye to the bank has nevertheless been a process. – They have reduced all the good offers and conditions for us customers over time, he says. But the email that arrived yesterday, in which DNB launched several changes for Sbanken, caused Jahr and other customers to rage. Also in other groups on Facebook, several people express their displeasure. Here DNB is launching several changes for Sbanken: The online bank will be closed The current Sbanken app will be replaced with a new app The new app has not been fully developed and customers will have to temporarily use DNB’s online bank for some functions in addition to the new app Fees for cash withdrawals in shop for NOK 10 Division of share trading into different segments. Sbanken previously had the same prices for shares for everyone The price of index funds increases from 0.06 to 0.10% The price of SMS notifications increases from NOK 1 to NOK 2 per message Jahr says that many people are not used to using mobile banking services , for example the elderly. – Many people get a better experience from logging into the online bank on a PC or Mac, where you get a better overview of which services you have. Photo: Skjermdump He himself also despairs that Sbanken is now cutting off child and youth cards. He has diligently used that for his ten-year-old daughter, so that she can pay for trips by bus, small shopping trips to the store and visits to the swimming pool. – We don’t use cash anymore. Even a ten-year-old can be turned away for carrying a 50 note on the bus. It is absurd that they are cutting this out, he says. DNB replies: – A broader offer news has relayed the claim that DNB wants to take over Sbanken’s customers, and asked what they think about being referred to as “vultures”. Julia C. Stelzer Pettersen, communications advisor at DNB, says that they understand that many people react to the changes that have been announced – but that much of the criticism is about misunderstandings. – DNB and the Sbanken concept are two brands in the same bank. The Sbanken concept continues to offer simple and good self-service services for everyday banking, mortgages and savings, she says to news. – Each individual must decide for themselves where they want to be a customer, based on their needs. Regarding child and youth cards, customers will be offered to move the program to DNB’s “Intro”. According to Pettersen, this has a wider offer for children and young people. – Among other things, access to Vipps, which many have wanted for a long time. There will also be no intermediate phase between the apps. The new app that replaces the online bank will also be in place at the same time as the old one is phased out, she says. She further explains that introducing different prices for buying and selling shares on the scale of share trading is not the same as dividing the customers. – At the same time, you get wider and more varied services for share trading, including access to the country’s leading analysis environment. Have changed banks Pettersen says it is good to be involved, but that DNB wants customers to contact them directly so that they can clarify any questions. – Fortunately, many do, and most express that they get good help by talking to us. Christian Jahr says that he has moved most of his banking activities to Bulder Bank. There he gets a higher interest rate on both the savings account and current account. – And lower interest on loans. I have calculated it a bit and have come to the conclusion that I save NOK 10,000 a year by switching to Bulder, he says.
