Bachelor party created mass fear in Stavanger – the police call it totally thoughtless – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

At 16:28 the police received a report of an incident at the outdoor restaurant Olivia in central Stavanger. A man in a Finnish cap threw down a sack, shouted something in an unknown language and ran away. Guests and others in the vicinity ran from everything they had when the police arrived. – We quickly receive information that there is chaos and panic, both among staff at the outdoor restaurant and others who are in the city, says operations manager at the police, Jøran Solheim. It is 20 degrees, sunny and two cruise ships are docked in central Stavanger when the incident occurs. The police evacuate people from the area, and after eleven minutes get control of the person who is said to have done this at the concert hall a little outside the city centre, about 6-700 meters from the incident. The police then find out that the whole thing must have been part of a hen party. The incident was filmed and the bag was harmless.
