Babcock does not receive a dispensation from lockout – news Troms and Finnmark

– Babcock takes note of the decision of NHO Luftfart, the company writes to news on Saturday afternoon. They have informed their client Luftambulansetjenesten HF that a lockout from midnight will reduce the possibility of taking care of emergency preparedness with ambulance aircraft. In the event of a lockout, there may be hours before the first ambulance aircraft is put on the ground. And only days before the entire fleet is standing, says general manager Marius Hansen in Babcock Norden. Babcock’s technicians will conduct an inspection of all ambulance planes between 11pm and midnight on Saturday, to provide maximum availability in the event of a lockout from midnight. General manager Marius Hansen in Babcock in the Nordics. Photo: Jørn Inge Johansen / news – Follows the situation Aircraft technicians went on strike last Saturday and the parties have not yet agreed. NHO has announced a lockout if NHO and NFO do not come to a solution to the conflict which, among other things, is about the salaries of aircraft technicians. On Friday, it became known that the Air Ambulance Service was investigating other possibilities to cover holes in the emergency preparedness in the event of a lockout. The air ambulance service is not part of the conflict between employee and employer and they therefore have the opportunity to enter into agreements with an external company that is not affected by the strike. – For the time being, we are following the situation, writes director Øyvind Juell in the Air Ambulance Service in a text message on Saturday afternoon. – Lockout will be effective until Sunday night, and we must follow developments then. Announces lockout from Sunday Earlier on Saturday, it was announced that Babcock has not received a response from the health authorities as to whether there is a danger to life and health that the ambulance planes remain on the ground, but that they still applied for a dispensation from the notified lockout. – NHO Luftfart has not selected individual companies in the decision on lockout, but we have complied with the termination of employment by NFO itself; so-called passive lockout. In our opinion, the NFO itself must take the consequence of making all members part of the conflict, including those for whom Babcock is now applying for a dispensation, says CEO of NHO Luftfart, Torbjørn Lothe. If there is no solution in the aircraft technician conflict, NHO Luftfart has announced a lockout from Sunday.
